. Mise Mazel Pratt Wood Alton, Tllincis Dear lMree Woods I am very happy to have your letter and to know that you are coming for our Oklahoma game, We will have tickets for you and although there will be quite a jam, I am sure that you will recall old times when jams were the regular thinge Students are still having jam sessions. The explanation in your letter that you have friends in Kansas City is good enough for use We will just let it go at that end I assure you that any time that you have free we will be delighted te see youe My office is still in the gymmasium and when you and Walter and your family come we will expect to see yous Mire Parl Falkenstien, the Financial Seevretary to the Athletic Association, will have your ticketss I am sure you wiid have no trouble in procuring theme + Syden Se Wien diet etal Geld baw bind Ge Winds were ‘Gaming and she is anxious to have a good visit with youe So even if I am tied up I trust you will rum by the houses lrse Allen would be delighted to see your lovely familys | I quite agree with you that Walter will naturally want to affiliate with the SeAeEets, and I am sure the Sig Alph's will be on their toes wanting “alter, Jre How could they forget the old man? He made a very indelible mark when he was on Mount Oreade ak Cecilia had rather slipped out of my mind, but now I do renenber that there were two childrens All of us will be anxious to S96 yous Anticipating the pleasure of your coming, I am, Sincerely yours, a Director of Physical Bducation and Reereation FOAsig oe Varsity Basketball Coach Feb, ay, Hl Februery £6, 1941 Mr. Nes] Wherry, Principal 3 Lerrence Merorisel High School ‘ Lerrence, Kenses — Deer Neel: It ras wighty thoughtful of you, Nerl, to drop re the card when you rere on the trein betreen Reltimore end “sshingtone Thenk vou for your thoughtfulness end kind vrishes. Sincerely yours, FCA slg:rln Director of Physical Féucetion end Hecreetion Versity Besketbell Cosch Ce ‘. De ote ° ON TRIN ‘ e7mWex F Bare v1 one Prev Ip Wa sw nee THN —12- 4s Poe Ge Oe” “4 Sost REA p oN | & K Wy swine at ErX” e pong 3ao-1¥ oF . 44s / Pw ae yt pTLA A TOONS Can oF Mareh 4, 1941 Me Joe Vellman Leonis Advertising nee telephone Building I am sorry to tell you that our tickets for the Oklahoma game were 211 sold out on February 9, the day before we played Nebraska, and the Oklahoma As and Me tickets have been gone nearly as lonze As soon as the Sooners began to slip the Ae and iM. tickets picked up. I regret that you waited so long, but I frankly believe we could have sold five thousand more tickets if we had them. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FAs lg LOOMIS ADVERTISING COMPAN OFFICES TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ADVERTISING 195 SOUTH SECOND ST. TRANSPORTATION ADVERTISING PHILADELPHIA, PA. — TELEPHONE BUILDING MERCHANTS-LACLEDE BLDG. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI KANSAS City, Mo. CITIZENS TRUST BLDG. FORT WAYNE, INDIANA ic mans. fh we March 3, 1941 Mr. Forest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": Will you please reserve five (5) tickets 2 he to the Oklahoma game, March 7, and also four vee tickets to the Oklahoma A & M game on waved 12 before the game. With kindest personal regards, I am, Very truly yours, Merch 5, 1943 Mrs Frenk Wetkins, dre 6502 Summit Street Kansas City, Missouri Dear Franks By some miraculous chance T have had Mre Earl Falkenstien unearth two tickets for you for the Oklahoma game here on Friday night at 7:30 P.m. If you will call at the ticket booth prior to the game, Mire Falkenstien will heve the tickets for yous After the game I trust you will come down on the floor and see the familys. Mrs. Allen will be there at that time and I know she will be more than delighted to see you, as I will bee With all good wishes, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Biucation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach WAsig e JF Zt a _— JF zt Zz | nt v2 ZF , zt zg Zz tx _ - tf SASF ye A Ya li. Armin Peoples State Bank Lawrence, Kansas Dear Westy: Congratulations on the wonderful vote that you polled in the city nominatione Your vote attests to your popularity and your worthwhileness. I am very happy for youe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FeAslg Mr, Jack Wilson 1439 Tennessee Ste lawrence, Kansas Dear Mre Wilsons March li, 1941 I om enclosing sone clippings which Mre Wme Le Butler, 230 Business Men's Assurance Building, Kansas City, Missouri sent mes ize Butler asked that we show these clippings to Mire Vic Hurt and then forward then to you at the Signa Chi Houses FOAgig Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueati on and Recresti on Varsity Basketball Coach — March 19, 1941 Mre Tom Yelton 1425 Tennessee Lasrence, Kansas Dear Tom: We immediately got on the job regarding the repairing of the handball courts. We will appreciate it if you would kindly inspect them and see if there is anything lacking. If you do find anything wrong, Please come into ue office and I assure you the matter will be taken care of ee Iwas glad that you came in and I trust that you will feel free to come at any time and offer. suggestions for the betterment of the playing field or the playing equipment. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | FCA :mh March 20, 1941 Cadet De Me Williens Culver iilitary Acadeny Culver, Indiana Dear Skippers Congratulations on your being selected as one of the co-captains for next year's Culver team. __ We are all very proud of your achievement, and we trust that you will léad Culver to another championships Give my kindest regards to Coach Olivers, With all good wishes for your continued success, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of >hysical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAgig arch 20, 1942 Mire Dick Williams 2309 Ee Sixth Ste Tucson, Arizona Dear Dicks I em mighty happy to have your letter of Yarch 15 in which you enclosed a cartoon of "Skipper." At our dinner table the other day Urse Allen had this cartoon, &6 Bobby always gets the Vedette, and we discussed Skipper and Odde We are happy that both boys are doing so welle in fhet, Mrse Allen, I am sure, has written you a letter congratulating you on Skipper's good worke She takes & personal interest in both boye because they are Culver men, or at least Skipper is one and Odd is on his waye I Imow of no one who has such a deep seated interest in Culver as Mrse Allene She thinks it is the gmndest place in the world, and I find myself agreeing with her when if cones to a fine environ- ment for boyse Yes, I see vad quite often; as a matter of fact, I went down to see one of his Junior High School games and the boy really looks good on the basketball courte I am writing pre ®& note — him on being selected as a coe o& ne : Gur team was potentially not very strong this year and I was more ‘than delighted to get a tio out of ite We had the most frail and least powerful team that I ever coached, yet they | bad & great fighting heart and for ue to get a tie nore than pleased mee Everything is going along senisbitue here in Lawrence and I trust that the Tuscon weather is much to your likinge With all geod wishes for your success, t Gilly Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCAslg | Varsity Basketball andBaseball Coach . Dick Williams 1047 Massachusetts Lawrence, Kansas March 15, 1941 Dear Phog: I am enclosing herewith a copy of the Culver school paper in which there is a cartoon about Skip's basketball playing. I just had a letter from him today in which he told me that he had been elected one of the co-captains for next year. He also told me that they had co- captains this year and the voting resulted in co-captains for next year. He also told me that Culver won their conference this year. He graduates this year and likes it so well that he wants to go back for another year, to which I have consented. Odd, as you know, also is going up next year, and they will have a hard time eventually keeping him off the varsity basketball team because he really loves the game. il was sorry to see O. U. beat K. U. the last game, but am still proud to see K. U. tie for'the Valley Chenpionship. Odd keeps me in- formed after each game, telling me who made the goals and so forth. He keeps a record of every play as each game progresses. I hopé everything is running along to suit you andthat you produce a winning baseball team. With kindest regards, I remain Sincerely yours, Dr. Forrest C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas April 4, 1941 Ure Honry Werner _i Frank Streng Hall ‘University of Kansas Dear Frites ee When I was a her, Sots pe08 een Set smints Lenten thet the ieee aek ee te lapels of their coate One that I remember pare ticularly well read as follews, “Tell your troubles te a policemane Nobody ¢ise wante to hear theme" ‘his reminds me that I shoujd inhibit my inet to write you this ate but the inhibition is not strong enough, so here £o0ese , Por five or six years the District Festival, the widwost Bend Festival, and other festivals, consisting of hordes of find youg students from the. high schools, together with a copious amount of wind and brass instruments, have descended upon the gymmasium and made our teaching impossible, “not only in the gym but in our elassroons, whieh are Toon ted in the gyumsiume : I have implored the administeetion and the powers that be, to petition the Union Building for such quartering as checkrooms for wraps and instruments, and a general meeting place for this great group of prospective students, but it has been of no aveaile It seems to me that this would be the logical plece to quarter these youngsters because it would be selling the youth of the State, in their very begimming, this fine Union Buildings Its atmosphere is cheery, homelike and friendlys While, on the other hand, we are forced to send the down to the basement which quarters the toilets and the shower bath, It is like putting the youngsters in your basement at heme whon they cone to visite The only objection that I can see to the use of the Union Building is that the gym is close to the auditorium, while the Union Building is across the campus, which occasions a trek by the students across one of the most beautiful campuses in Americas I am wondering if you do not see the logic ‘in wy argument, so faras the utility, the reseption to the students and the proper handling of these youngsters is concerned, ! the girls in the bands are likewise forced to go to the basement of the women's dressing roon to change their clothese Naturally, there cannot be the proper maid service and hostesses thet are necessary for such a sitetion.g The Union Building provides theses Mr, Werner Fage Two pre 4, 1941 There is still a tendency on the strictly academiciants part to discount the work done in our teaching program of Physical tducatione I am now speaking of the teaching of solid subjects which rate academic credite I do not believe that the administration would preempt other de= partments and cause a dislocation of the teaching program as done heres By using the Union Building there would be no such dislocation of academic work and certainly it is the proper introduction to a hospitable University lifes : Just imagine, if you can, our teachers endeavoring to hold classes with 500 or more effervescing, inquisitive, partially dizzy hich sehool youngsters rushing pellemell around our teaching environnente If you see any logic in any part of this presentation, I would appreciate your whispering gently into the administration's eare Thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Miysical Mucation and Recreation Varsity Casketball and Baseball Coach FOAslg LIbCeRtY ACMORIAL HiGh SCHOOL LAWRENCE, KANSAS Neal M. Wherry Princi al : April 7, 1941 ' Dr. Forrest C. Allen Athletic Office University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": Personally and in behalf of the Kansas State High School Activities Association I want to thank you for your personal interest and courtesies in connection with our District Music Festival held on the "Hill" this past week-end. We appreciated very much your good services. Cordially yours, Neal M, Wherry 12762-e60 April 14, 1942 Myre and Iirse Walter Wood 1831 Evergreen Alton, Tllinoigs Dear TRlter and Hacels The lovely waterset just arrived and both Mrse Allen and I are overjoyed, Thank you so much for sending ite You may rest assured that everytime we use it this coming Spring and sumer wo will think of you with most pleasant thoughtse Yours sincerely, Director of Physical Hiucation and Recreation Varsity Sasketball and Baseball Caach ~~ PeAglg April 12, 1941 Myre and Mrée vaulter Yood 1851 Evergreen Alton, Illinois Dear Hazel and “mlters I just received your very fine letter and while we are serry not to have Edward here with us at Kansas, we cannot help but agree with you that the University of Illinois would not only be closer but I believe less expensivee And too, since Edward has lived in Illinois all of his life, it really is more his State University than is the University of Kansas in his mind at presente We would have been mighty glad to have done everything we could to mike Kansas both a pleasant and profitable place for him to go to schoole But I cannot help but see your point of view, even though we would like to have you and "alter and the daughter come often to visit us heres Please do not feel that you owe anything to us at alle hen I think of all the fine things that Walter Wood has done for Kansas, and when I think of the long and beneficial connection that you had in the women's department here, then the most we can do is not enoughe I remember very distinctly that it was Walter that sent Charlie Black to Kansase This splendid contribution was only a part of Walter's fine success here at Kansese I remember his playing as a quarterback on the football team and on the Varsity basketball teame He certainly was one of cur sterling athleties and a more personable individual I have never mete Whether Walter lmows it or not he has always been one of my favorites of the alumnie Of course, we will cherish any remembrance fran you, but I did not want you to feel that way in the slightest. You were very welcone and we were sorry we did not have more time to visit with you peoplee We would loved to have had you dow at the house, but I kmow there were better claims on your time than we could makes Yes, I know that Charlie Black was personnel director at the OwenseIllinois Glass Company at Toldeos last fall I spoke at the Ohio State Coaches Association Meeting at Toledo and after the meeting was over I called Charlies He was not at home but he was out at the Yacht Clubs So many of the coeches told me how fond they were of him, and in fact, it was one of his friends that insisted we get in touch with him and say helloe I spent a very pleasant 20 minutes visiting with Charlie over the telephones He is still "Slicker" Black to mee I thought he was & grand athlete and a fine fellow, and I rejoice that he and Dorothy have done so welle With kindest personal regards and best wishes for your lovely family, I an, Sincerely yours, : | FCAglg Director of ical Education and Recreation Varsity Bestotbelt and Baseball Coach : JUDGE GROVER PIERPONT F PRESIDENT ¥ O. F. SULLIVAN VICE PRESIDENT JOHN N. FREE RECORDING SECRETARY _ ORVILLE A. BOYLE = TREASURER FRED STEARNS. CHAIRMAN TOWN AND COUNTRY BRANCH - ’ : tr a F. L. BARNETT. CHAIRMAN : i 3 WATER STREET BRANCH 7 eee GEO A. KASSABAUM GENERAL SECRETARY 424 EAST FIRST STREET . . WICHITA, KANSAS Pie April 23, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. "Phog" Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: May I again express the appreciation of the Hi-Y Council and myself for the splendid address which you de- livered to the boys at the Annual Father and Son Banquet. It was very well received and many of the group are still talking of the inspiration and the philosophies which you / gave to the group. Again we want you to know how glad we were to have you with us and = part that you played in our program. © Very sincerely, ames M. Wilitvam City Boys! Work Secretary JMW: dd “as. Enclosed you will find check for $20.00 to cover traveling expenses. Yr. eos T. Zetec), See. lawrence Cowrtry Club— _ Lawrence, Raneas Rear Georze: | “Th4e will eelnowlodge receipt of your card of April f0th. George, Tm Seen s Wek 2°, Gotta Oe Pare Oe eee ee eee San Seed eetne eo Se for * have —~ Nashetiall prectice at 7200 oFolock. , “Tt playing Guy sith Saturday mer ing, and if } doen't win, 1°11) pey for the Aimer. < “{neerely yours, Riveotor of Prysionl Bduostion and Recreation a | Varsity seers and hasetel} Coach. : FCAerc : _ fetter me eritten. ‘se asked that I sign the sane for hime &ducation for Service ul CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE ee Bs WARRENSBURG, MO.. May 5, 1941 Dear X-lfule: The annual Mule Round-Up for old timers and under-graduate letter men will be held Friday night, Mey 16. The date is set for Friday night so that old members may attend the annual dance sponsored by the undergra@uate "W" club. This party will follow the banquet. You may be interested in staying over and seeing the several new buildings that have been added to the campus. A short program is being planned and we know you will enjoy the evening if you can be present. Mark the date Friday night, Mey 16, at 7 o'clock P. M. and we are hoping you will be able to attend. The tax is 41.00. The meal is free to under-graduates. If you can not get here and have not received: your celluloid "W" card, which is a permanent pass to all games, please advise us and we shall be glad to send it to you. Please pass the word along--some are always overlooked. Hoping to see you on May 1@, I am Sincgrely, (bye ari D, VolLtmer Athletic Director May 16th, 1941 The "W" Club Warrensburg, Kansas Gentlemen: Mrs. Allen and I rogret very much that we shall be unable to attend the """ Club Annual Dance, May 16th, 1941, at 9:00 o’clock P.M. I am to give the Commencement Address at Caldwell, Kansas, on this date. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA:sre | A ly 2nd, 1941 Mr. Russell Wiley 2045 Wew Hampshire Street Lawrence, Kansas Doar lr. Wiley: - ‘I called your home youtorany, but your wife informed ne that you would not be home until Sunday evenings Would it be possible, Russeil, for you to get your band together to start the basebell games off with the "right spirit", i! of the voys from down town are to attend and I thought it would nice if you could arrange to have the drum corps, perhaps, or cometh to put the old * zip” out there. rh cali you Sunday evening’ warding the apeve matters Sincerely yours, ' Director of Physical Education and Recreation ‘ . Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. — Pits { PCAsre THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE DEPARTMENT OF BAND May 8, 1941 Dr. Forrest ¢, Alien Director Physical Education University of Kansas Campus Dear Dr. Allen: I am extremely sorry thet I got your message on my return from Stillwater, Oklahoma too late to furnish a band for the Mon- day ball game. I hove you will forgive me and I assure you it was not my intention in any way to fail you on such an impor- tant occasion, I am leaving again for Texas this week but I wanted to leave this late message of apology which will be signed by my sec- retary. Assuring you again of my desire to cooperate with you in the many worth while programs you have here on the campus, I am, rs very sincerely Director of ccae;) Russell L. Wiley jm