Yr. eos T. Zetec), See. lawrence Cowrtry Club— _ Lawrence, Raneas Rear Georze: | “Th4e will eelnowlodge receipt of your card of April f0th. George, Tm Seen s Wek 2°, Gotta Oe Pare Oe eee ee eee San Seed eetne eo Se for * have —~ Nashetiall prectice at 7200 oFolock. , “Tt playing Guy sith Saturday mer ing, and if } doen't win, 1°11) pey for the Aimer. < “{neerely yours, Riveotor of Prysionl Bduostion and Recreation a | Varsity seers and hasetel} Coach. : FCAerc : _ fetter me eritten. ‘se asked that I sign the sane for hime