Mr, Werner Fage Two pre 4, 1941 There is still a tendency on the strictly academiciants part to discount the work done in our teaching program of Physical tducatione I am now speaking of the teaching of solid subjects which rate academic credite I do not believe that the administration would preempt other de= partments and cause a dislocation of the teaching program as done heres By using the Union Building there would be no such dislocation of academic work and certainly it is the proper introduction to a hospitable University lifes : Just imagine, if you can, our teachers endeavoring to hold classes with 500 or more effervescing, inquisitive, partially dizzy hich sehool youngsters rushing pellemell around our teaching environnente If you see any logic in any part of this presentation, I would appreciate your whispering gently into the administration's eare Thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Miysical Mucation and Recreation Varsity Casketball and Baseball Coach FOAslg