April 4, 1941 Ure Honry Werner _i Frank Streng Hall ‘University of Kansas Dear Frites ee When I was a her, Sots pe08 een Set smints Lenten thet the ieee aek ee te lapels of their coate One that I remember pare ticularly well read as follews, “Tell your troubles te a policemane Nobody ¢ise wante to hear theme" ‘his reminds me that I shoujd inhibit my inet to write you this ate but the inhibition is not strong enough, so here £o0ese , Por five or six years the District Festival, the widwost Bend Festival, and other festivals, consisting of hordes of find youg students from the. high schools, together with a copious amount of wind and brass instruments, have descended upon the gymmasium and made our teaching impossible, “not only in the gym but in our elassroons, whieh are Toon ted in the gyumsiume : I have implored the administeetion and the powers that be, to petition the Union Building for such quartering as checkrooms for wraps and instruments, and a general meeting place for this great group of prospective students, but it has been of no aveaile It seems to me that this would be the logical plece to quarter these youngsters because it would be selling the youth of the State, in their very begimming, this fine Union Buildings Its atmosphere is cheery, homelike and friendlys While, on the other hand, we are forced to send the down to the basement which quarters the toilets and the shower bath, It is like putting the youngsters in your basement at heme whon they cone to visite The only objection that I can see to the use of the Union Building is that the gym is close to the auditorium, while the Union Building is across the campus, which occasions a trek by the students across one of the most beautiful campuses in Americas I am wondering if you do not see the logic ‘in wy argument, so faras the utility, the reseption to the students and the proper handling of these youngsters is concerned, ! the girls in the bands are likewise forced to go to the basement of the women's dressing roon to change their clothese Naturally, there cannot be the proper maid service and hostesses thet are necessary for such a sitetion.g The Union Building provides theses