dire lere AK 2 - PT ? a danvery 24, 1941 1831 Evergreen Avenue Alton, Illinois Wy dear Mrs» Woods Gee, how time fliese To think that you have a son, Edward, who will be ready for college in the falle And I remember so distinetly when he was born, it it certainly does not seem that long ages Con» gretulations to all three of yous Yes indeed, I will be very happy to send you a schedule of the Kansas Basketball Team and I trust thet you can come for any one of the three remaining conferences games at homve We play Nebrasim on February 103 Kansas State on February 253 and Oklehome on March 7. We also play Oklahome. As & Me on March lle So you write us and let me imow when you, Walter and Fdward can come and we will make very definite arrangenents te have you as our guests at the came, I inmpgine Waltor will be ruming Edward Sige Alps and when I find out what dete you are coming I will tell all the Sigs Alp's to rally rounds And too, I am wondering if you recall any of your associates that you want to look up when you were teaching here at the Universitye Thank you for your very kind words regarding Bobe He has been & great source of pleasure to us as it seems have all of our childrens Eleanor is the baby, althouzh sho does not like to be called that. She is @ sophomore in the Tniversitye We certainly went you to meet our family and after the game we want you down at the house, of courses We are asking the Registrar's office to send you our school catalogs so 211 of you can glance through them. on page 33 of the catalog issue Noe 1 is information concerning scholarshipse George Oc Foster is still Registrar of the University, but Mre James Ke Hitt will take over after the first of Septembore His address is 124 Frank Strong elle When you get the catalog this will give you full inforaation regarding the IlaVerne Noyes scholarshipse I trust Edward is successful in obtaining ones Mrse Allen is fine except for the fact that when we returned fron New York she mis greeted by the results of an explosion from the new oileo-matic which we put in in the fall. This had happened a few days before we got home and the house was covered with that oil smudge from basement to garrete So we have been undergoing house cleaning from every angle of paperhanging, painting, clothes cleaning, drapery rejuvenation, and everything else you can think of that the smudge hit.e We are begiming to finally get out of the woods now, or should I say out of the smudge, so the clouds have e brighter lining for all of use . Mrse Wood Page Two Jane 24, 1941 We will be eagerly cvasting the news as to the exact date of your coming « With my kindest regards Oe Te Oh Pe ho: shee Stee not seen, and to you, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCA slg January 31, 1941 Ure Bob Fhite 188 Allen Ave. dackson, Tenne Deer re White: I have your good letter of the 28th instent, end I am sending you our pamphlet on physical education. This is for the 120