Mie Relie Wason 416 3. Leonard Liberty, Missouri Dear Mre Wacons I acknowledge receipt of your letter of January 20 making ern six tickets for the Oklahoma Aggie-Kansas game, March lle i have referred your letter to Mre Barl Falkenstien, the Finaneial Seerctary of the Athletic Associations He will write you concerning the best awilable ticketse j{ au sure you will hear from We are confronted with the same situation as Kansas State at Menhattame There sre 2926 seats in Hoch Auditoriwa that afford a good view for besketball gamese We sell a great nuaber of reserved season tickets to our patrons due to the fact we are close to Kansas City, Otteawe and Topelt.e In addition, there are about 2000 students who have paid an extra dollar for a reserved season ticket for this year. Besides, the meubers of the Legislature, when they are‘in session in Topeka, generally want to cone over aud bring their wives, se you can see there are very few available seats in Hoch Auditorium, : The Keaen of all sports are admitted to games, players get @ ticket for each year they are on the squad, and then the members of the athletic board are admitted. We regret that we do not have better seating | capacity so that a larger number of our many friends who would like te see & good basketball game could come and sit in comforte Counting every seat in the top balcony, which nuabers about we have out S501 seats available in the whole auditoriwne There are a@ 575 seats in the auditorium thet do not give the spectator a view of the sntire floor. This reduces all good seats to the number of 2926, which is net much larger than the gymmasium at Menhattan, Hoch Auditorium was not built for a basketball court, but was ‘ built for a combined auditoriwa and basketbail court, and the builders failed to make it a firsteclass basketball court or a firsteslass auditorime $0 I regret that it may not be possible to reserve the seats you desire, but I am sure Mre Falkenstien will do the best he can and you will hear from him shortlye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Redreation Varsity Basketball Coach FUAs 5 a co: Be Falkenstien