Latah High School Latah, Washington January 6, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: In your book "Better Basketball" there is a passage appearing on page 332 which -—— Pi- causes me some concern. Speaking of 5 on 5 or as in a regular game--"Each of the defen- sive men specifies a certain opponent for whose movements he will be personally re- sponsible during these regular game situations. These defensive men are taught to slide and trade and switch so there will be no excuse for permitting an offensive opponent to score because he shook his opponent loose." After building the team up through 2 onl, 3 on 2, and so forth based on the zone prin- ciple it seems from the above quoted state- ments that the zone is discarded for the man to man principle. Would you please clarify this problem? We have been using a zone type of defense with fair results. We shift to put the head of our defense in front of the ball pulling our forwards back into the free throw area when the ball goes into the cormers and the men near the basket shift to meet the scoring threat. This is our defense formation: moO > & | C. FS aos ee fe ie . I hope I may hear from you because I am interested in your defense as it is different from most of those taught in the Northwest. Yours very truly, P?. C.. lod diol