Jenuary 10, 1941 lateh, Washington Pear — voods Answering your favor of the sixth instant I bal state that ny definition of the stratified transitional man for man with the zone principle is that whenevor we are outnumbered, of course, we play the principle of the zone, but when we have ecuel- numbers to meet then we play a sliding zoné€e However, when two men of the opponents quickly move into a zone area, then lion: Secon ton ia juranansgeaeett anerand ec tecoral at that there will be no man loose for a quick — As I observe your defensive formation as sketched on your letter, I ean see that you play @ 2ele2 zone defenses Your apex man, which is your eenter, would not be able to cover shots from the side of the court, say ten feet in from the side line and twenty or twenty-five feet out on a diagonale For instance, the offense could slip a man in to the area just in front of the position.of your center player, then the right forward of the offensive team would swing arowmd as if he was dribbling tovwerds the basket. He would then pass the ball to the offensive man located just in front of your center, The right guard would feke as to go to the. left and then would swing down to this area that I deserited and would shoot a looping shot from the sides The defense that you have ciagremmed would prevent anyone from getting close into the basket, but if the guards were fairly good shots they would soon work the ball aroumd until they could consider this defense a lot of trouble, unless your defensive men were so big and powerful that the offensive guards would get but one shots The strategy of the team to work against your defense would be to put your best shots out in the guard area and count on longer shooting and a quick retreate Please do not think that I am finding feult with your defense, but if the opponents get onto your style and if you would go out to get them quickly then they will develop a type of play with set shooters that will - Cause you some troublée However, if you are versatile enough with transitions on defense, then I would say that you have a corking good defense and one — tough to beate . If we relied upon this defense strictly in our territory, there are a few coaches who would patiently work out a type of offense that would lick uSe For that reason we try to cover up our apparent defensive set formation with some versatilitye Of course, if the defensive team does not have some good big men under the basket, then of course, they are doomed.