J. DONALD BUDGE = San Francisco, Tennis Player Regarded generally as the outstanding amateur tennis player of the world, American singles champion and member of the Davis Cup Team, Almost single handed brought back the Davis Cup to America after ten years, Won Winbdleton singles, doubles and mixed doubles and is tho only player in history to have accomplished this fete, A true sportsman and gentleman. Modest and unassuming. Popular with younger playors bocauso of his willingness to help them, His general domcanor on and off the tennis courts hore and abroad havo always rosulted in favorablco commont, He has boon a big factor in promoting intcrnational good will bctween the Unitod States and forolgn countries, His perseverance and courage were domonstrated in the intor zone final at Wimblcton when with the count at two scts all and Von Cram losding in the fifth sot by four gamos to onc, ho won the match and cnablo Amorica to challenge England for the cup. He: has. uphold the amatour codo in tho faco of flattcring offors to Curm profceeional, His record as a sportsman has only boon cxcocedcd by his record BS a GOMDCTITONM, s¢ ye. - Se, us, w, Ne s¢ ee a a RALPH D. FLANAGAN # Miami Beach, Florida, Swimmor Mombcor of tho 1936 Olympic Tcam and regarded as onc of the worldts grcatcst swimmors, Presont national champion in the 440, 880 and milo Troc Stylo cYontas During his carcor has won olcvon national championships and holds thirtcon Amorican records, Has a ploasing personality and is oxccedingly popular with his follow swimmers, Always conducts himsclf in a mannor which commands the respect of his tcammatos, compotitors and the goncral public, Is modest and unassuming and has becn a good loscr as woll as a good winnor, Fair and sympathctic to his rivals, By cxamplo is fine inspira- tion to othor Amorican youth, Is a crodit to samorican sport and has contributcd much to tho development of swimming in the United States and abroad, % - and Ico Hockcy playcr $e se st Az. Wo s¢ ae ae 7 46 gh ae) BR: ge Re STEWART IGLEHART - Now York City, Polo A ton goal polo playor. Not of the prima donna typo, oe ye theme hed pet & vio ot the best amatour ico hockoy ploaycors in the United Statce, 4 truc sportsman, modost, considoratoe of his opponcnts and always willing to abide by decisions and rulings mado by propor authority. M2. 2 LY SZ. ‘ Se S4, Sz, S¢. Se. we 2 F = FF Se BEN JOHNSON - Columbia University, Now York City, Sprinter Onc of tho nation's outstanding sprintors, Modest and unassuming. Highly rogarded for his willingncss to compctc at all kinds of moots as his contribution toward the devclopmont of intorcest in both i track and ficld, : His conduct as a mcmbcr af ono of tho United Statos toams touring f in Europe last summor was outstanding, Ho was vory popular with his !