Kansas City, Wissourd Dear Waltons You ere a darbg If you could realize how happy you made the Allen household by your thoughtfulness in shipping us that bushel of lovely Grimes Golden ee deed for a months | But you lmow we are so happy about your thoughtfulness and so chagrimned that you went to the trouble to send them, that I want to write this letter of sig “cea rer and also of imploration, pleading. thet you pormit me to pay for the applese You will remember that is what I I said to you that I would give anything to get a bushel of themg now, 211 you have to do is send me the bill and I will be indebted to you very deeply, and in addition I will remit a cheek for to the full amount. If you could see the Allen household work on these lugcious Grimes Golden apples it would do your heart coode The apple that you gpve me et the football game ws shared with a group of six or mores Dre Peete 's feat, the Detreste: fren our Mowiaal Education Urs. Lewis, “re Elwell, and Dr, Sstes' family ad well as nyselfs a - You have heard the parable of the loaves of bread and the fishes; well, you certainly fed a let of fish with thet one apples They all voted it the inost delicious apple they have eaten and I want you to know that the — oe cane kind of tasty frulte : Aga Aching yon tie poet Wh thensjltcinnie ee dae: ing the bi ara vote eoit, ana teres otc ton ee atk ne ee ee ee te iy ‘Sincerely and appreciative, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach