September 25, 1940 Dre Ward Weltmer Beloit, Kansas Dear Dre Weltmer: Iwas very happy to sce you last Friday | evening in Beloit. =) fe GPnye | pietwure to quent youe | < had, pened on. the Sallimatton bo tire Farl Palkenstien, Financial Secretary for the Athletic Department, that you desire two tickets for the towa State-Kansas game at Ames, Iowa to be played on October 5— You will have definite word from Mre Falkenstien regarding the time of the game, the price of the tickets, and so forthe ' If at any time I can be of any service to you, please call om mos With all good wishes, I an, Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach . FCAslg