September 12, 1940 Sister Mary Edith Ste Francis Seheol of Nursing Wichita, Kansas Tear Madams We have your card of recent date requesting information regarding the renting of educational films, Your request has been referred to lr, Fred Montgomery, Secretary, Bureau of Visual Inetruction, University of Kenses, who will send you catalogues listing the kinds of films available and arrangements for renting theme - Tounderstand the films rent for 50¢ apiece for industrial pictures up to $2.00 a reel for sound eturese ‘There is a special rate of 25% off if _ 10.00 worth of service is handled during a years : I am eure you will hear from Mre Montgomery very SOOM. : : Sincerely yours, é % Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach cc: Mre Montgomery