mgust 8, 1940 Mire Ralph Fe Wilps 1237 Penn Avenue Jeamette, —— Dear Annas: i have just written to your good father to thank him for the @nnoutioment regarding the wedding of you and lire Ralph Le Wilpse I visited with Mike and he told mo that Mr. Wilps wes his roamete when he was in Pitisburge I am very sure that the culmination of this rananoe has been & most happy ome, and Iwith to congratulate you and your husband and wish for you end yours all the health, woelth and happiness that my comp to you bothe 3 1 have alsaye enjoyed ny visite to Jeanette and prise, | the friendship of the Getto'ss Sincerely yours, iireotor of Muysion2 suantion and Roorention Varsity Basketball Coach é