ADA HIGH SCHOOL REX O, MORRISON, PRINCIPAL MARY ANN KELLY, REGISTRAR ADA, OKLAHOMA May 30, 1940 ar. 7. C. dillon Directer of Physical Educatien University ef Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Sir: I did net know ef yeur out ef state tutien fee, and I can see that it causes a hardship upen eut of state beys. Yeu were right in that beth beys have te werk their way threugh scheel, We have a teachess cellege here and ef ceurse if they havé te pay their way they weuld ge here. . I suppese that beth of them will ge te Oklahoma Univer- sity or Oklahema A. &«& M. If they cannet ge te yeur scheel. Thank yeu fer your interest in these beys. Yeura: very truly, Basketball Ceach Ada High Scheel .