Mey 9, 1940. lr. Howmrd We Boltz, Associate Secretary, Y.lMsC.A., 114 Fast 9th Street, Topelm, Kansas. Dear lire Bolte: I find that my schedule is pretty full with commencenent engagements and final exanimtions, but I would like to suggest either Monday, ley 27, cae *hy 28, Om & comeniant tine to visit Cap Voode | Spike AS fe in be els r-Shand ren is most suitable for your program I will be glad to reserve it on my calendars I eam to speak at the Bonner Springs lich Sehool Camencenent on May 29th, and have fine] exmninations on dime il and 3, so I would prefer a date prior to the I shall await further word from yous Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Baucetti on and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache