RALPH W. HARBISON CLEVELAND E. DODGE WILLIAM E. SPEERS JAMES M. SPEERS JOHN E. MANLEY PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN NATIONAL BOARD TREASURER GENERAL SECRETARY THE NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE YOUNG MENS CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS a eck OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PRESIDENT AREA COUNCIL CORPORATE NAME INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE OF YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS A. L. MAYER EXECUTIVE SECRETARY DEAN E. SHAFFER H. W. BOLTZ FIRST VICE PRESIDENT ASSOCIATE SECRETARY FRANK B. PARKER OFFICE OF LEO L. GESSELL SECOND VICE PRESIDENT a WEST CENTRAL AREA COUNCIL en ee ee 114 EAST NINTH ST. reise ae SECRETARY E. E. CORDRY KA, ened Saemeraky pepaipeccr nies nO aguleaea mie onclick RAY E. NORMAN May 14, 1940 ASST. RECORDING SECRETARY CHARLES SCHWIESO, JR. SECRETARY, ROCKY MOUNTAIN PAUL B. SWEET STUDENT COUNCIL : TREASURER FERN BABCOCK SECRETARY, SOUTHWEST STUDENT COUNCIL DR. A. F. TYLER ASSISTANT TREASURER Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have at hand your reply of May 9 to Mr. Howard ¥. Boltz, our Associate Secretary, in which you state that you would be glad to help us out at Gamp Wood as speaker on either May 27 or 28. I am putting you down UK BA — for Tuesday, May 28. are” The program will start at 9:00 o'clock in the morning, and there will be time for about a 30 or 35 minute talk followed by about a 45 minute forum on the subject of your speech. We should like to have you give a talk on Sportsmanship, and then our forum can be on the same subject. We find this is one of our most discussed topics at any Hi-Y period, and so of course we are glad to have you as our speaker and resource person for the forun. oc F2- Was it your intention to be with us for the evening meeting on that day also? Please let me know soon, if it was, because we can use you definitely as a speaker in the evening if you would care to stay. If not, thenl shall have to make arrangements for someone else to be with us at that time. The evening talk would be about 25 minutes in length, and could be somewhat of an inspiration talk or a summary concluding statement on the topic of Sportsmanship as you presented it in the morning and as it was developed in the forum. I will await your reply eagerly to know whether or not you can be with us for the evening also. I hope you can, but if, of course, you have other duties, please feel free to say so, because I can get someone else to make the evening contribution. I believe Mr. Boltz explained to you that we could not pay honorariums, but that we would be willing to take care of your transportation--3¢ a mile--so that you would not be out any actual expense as you meke the