igs John Sunn, Dean of “en, aiteed oemewtty, 4 Californine . ~} Pear Joi: ee Sauthes Sue see Splint ton Gi nana The ic seed hd uk cena ts ew ena Ge, was a United Press story in the Kensan which said that you ‘had played here uéer me end also stated that I was a very strong foe of liquor. ty Sapresston me tat the story oane fron the West coaste I hope thet things are going slong in fine shape with youe Director of Physieal Bducation, Varsity Baskethall Coathe STANFORD UNIVERSITY OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF MEN STANFORD UNIVERSITY, CALIFORNIA October 20, 1958 br. F. G. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Sansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc:" Thank you very much for your letter of October 17. C. E. McBride gets the "San Francisco Chronicle." The information to which you refer evidently came from that source. Newspaper stories, particularly from the Coast, are highly exaggerated. - thatjold California habit, you know. We had a few disciplinary problems and you probably recall that I never run from a fight. It happens that in this case there has been some difficulty and considerable misunderstanding. The moves, however, have had the unanimous sanction of the administration so that I think that we may be on the right track even if the procedure is criticized. With best wishes, I am Very cordially yours, October 17, 1953 Mr. John %. Bum, Dean of Men, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Californias Dear Johnnie: I see thet you have kicked up some sleeping dogse But I lmow that whatever you undertake you ere sincere in your en= deavor, and I want you to lmow that I wish you the best of Doubtless there was plenty there to cause you to mike the stand that you did. These young people seem to never step unless some more mature hand calls a halte Doubtless the papers have exggerated the matter, but if they have not I'll bet thet you will stay in there and pitehe I told our family that when-you made this rule you doubtless : had the backing of a more durable people, and after all, that is what counts. — “With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely YOUTH, | ee Ure Arthur Es Bagley, Director, Bureau of Physical Education, New - Citys TeTeo Dear Its Bagloys at your susgestiion I heave written to ure Te Qraha ame ee ee . , interested in Safety appreciating receiving this like te be placed on your miling "yeu wlhehieen, tut if there jgitn Ueedarg yom, wk white teik veshon, I en Very sincerely yours, “New York City, Ye Dear Ure Coles a a vb ssc alias Director of the Bureau of Physical Suhsedl ds Ut ls tetceek thers Late ‘amersaite Coaeers an 40 Lawreme, Kansas, speaking before various groups, and he ad- vised me thet you would be able to send me from time to tine printed material fron your Safety Bureaus . : Fk, imc tadiemaiiele tn yantutne in ecderind, - @ind also the publications of your Bureau of Healthe I should _ ike to be put on your mailing list for your bulletins. The other members of our department would, of course, be much interested in receiving your bulletins, but if there is the matter of economy of postage, I should be most grateful if the bulletins could be sent to this office anyhowse I an enclosing a list of our faculty members so timt if you desire to put their names on your meiling list you my do S06 Your irs Snahey unde a toby Sind tngreceton have bh Lawrence, and we are grateful for the opportunity of presenting him to our students and towmspeople. Tb. A 35-mm, Sound Film Strip SUBJECT —-ORGANIZING FOR COMMUNITY SAFETY. PURPOSE —To stimulate the interest of individuals and organization members in the development and support of local traffic safety programs. SYNOPSIS —Through a series of pictures with accompanying voices, the film stresses the urgent need for all citizens of a community to organize in a united effort to ‘“‘do something”’ about the tragedy of mounting motor vehicle deaths and disabilities. Bob Parker and his wife discuss the accident situation in their own town, and through their respective clubs help to start a community safety program. The film portrays various educational activities that may be undertaken in developing such a citizens’ program; and the Mayor, in a radio address, tells of the engineering and enforcement work of city officials which was encouraged by the citizens’ safety movement. SUGGESTED USE —For meetings of safety councils; chambers of commerce; automobile clubs; service organizations; women’s clubs; patriotic, fraternal, and other groups interested in promoting traffic safety. It may be used to supplement talks on safety, newspaper publicity, and other measures being taken by a local organization to secure the interest and backing of the community in a traffic safety program. The running time of the film is about 10 minutes. ADDITIONAL AIDS IN DEVELOPING A SAFETY PROGRAM—Will You Help, a four- page leaflet based on the film strip and stressing the need of organizing for community safety, is available for distribution at the time of the film showing. A booklet for local organization members, entitled How to Promote Community Safety; suggestions for obtaining local publicity; material for addresses; posters for local display; literature for local distribution; and a popular motion picture film in color and sound are provided for use in helping local organizations to plan and conduct their programs. Information regarding this material may be obtained by addressing the SAFETY BUREAU, WELFARE DIVISION METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. or 600 Stockton Street, San Francisco, California or 180 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada USE THE ENCLOSED ORDER BLANK TO REQUEST BOOKINGS OF ‘SAFETY IN NUMBERS" M.L. I. CO. PRESS—T'.3757A—PRINTED IN U.S.A. ¥ Me ai TONAL, y ORES p 37,800 Motor Vehicle Deaths. 1,305,000 Motor Vehicle Disabilities. You and | cannot avert this tragedy singlehanded. But WE—friends, neighbors, club members—can unite and develop one organized plan for safety. is a booklet, for local organization members, which gives suggestions for planning a safety program and tells where to obtain safety materials for use in conducting it. For a copy of this booklet, write to: Welfare Division METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 1 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. or 600 Stockton Street, San Francisco, California or 180 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada mT 27647 organize a Safety Program in your community now, or support exist- ing safety activities and prove that there is --- e sory OF COMMUNITY 5 hp Safety motion: pictures Safety postets ate’ placed are:shown: iniconspicuous places: AIM: EU GUT) MO URUUTO UNI [GOVERNOR PLEAD DEATHSINCITY ONTRAFFE SAFETY | FOR ACCIDENT ¢ 200 Workers Ssagtt in tee Contsraed Eton ieeuete, po | coor ~ > meaago | rmuses wone of om oy. Pat eer Rechiegety PI Thatoreen hentperd Liner Hinien for Hirttors tnapertion of Noi ‘General Federation Co-operates |e "y In Union Fralfc Laws Dv 5 mre The powerof the focal press is: placed behind.the.saféty_ movement, Safety-booklets.are given wide distribution. DINNER PROGRAM of the BUSINESS MEN'S LEAGUE Bob Parker and his wife decide that unless people like themselves do something about ee the accident situation in their community : nothing will be done. Starting with their Speaker ROWERT & PARKER oe a e own clubs they succeed in organizing a com- Sad Representatives of local organizations munity-wide movement to prevent street Men's organizations:and women’seclubs meet to make plans for the community accidents sponsor special safety. activities. safety program. Photographs by ““Vocefilm’’. Mrector, Bureau of Physical Bducation, | Metropolitan Life Insurance Coe, New York City, l.Ye Dear lr. Bagley: I want you to lmow how very much we appreciated : having you with us yesterday, both for the 6 o'clock I have heard many favorable comments on your visit — here, end we are very happy that our students in physical education had this opportumity of hearing youe i assure you it ws e pleasure for me to introduce you to our radio audience and to the Sasnak Clube With best wishes for your contimed success, I am Very sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education, ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. vf THE SPEAKER THIS EVENING: Arthur E. Bagley - Director Bureau of Physical Education Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, N. Y. C. A Director of Physical a’ for 23 years in on oe - < Ness. en 88 ate » Nd. Director of Playgrounds and Recreation Lawrence, Mass. - 1914 - 1915 - 1916 Director of Recreation in two Army Camps 1917 - 1918 Radio Health Broadcaster for the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company for over ten years through WEAF and a network of stations daily 6:45 to 8:00 A.M. Member of Physical Department Committee 3rd St. YMCA Member of Physical Education Committee National Council YMCA ACER. oe Member of NYC Advertising Club Met A550. AAU. Member of NYC Kiwanis Club and a dozen groups of lesser importance. His topic -- "Paysite AS ie foreach" ec Physical CIA ucatien Our Eront November 18, 1958» Lire Marion Barlow, 835 Michigan Ste, Lawrence, Tansase Dear lire Barlow: — I want to thank you for arranging for lire Bagley to speak to our Physical Sducation students this week. We were very happy to have him broadcast in -our "Physical Education for Health" series last evening at 6 o'clock. The Sasnak Club enjoyed him very much when he spoke at their dimer meeting in the Union Cafeteria Thursday evenings I wish to express appreciation of the Sasnak Club, as well as my om gratitude to you for the oppor= tunity of having Mre Sagley with use ‘Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, : | Varsity Basketball Coaches “Me speaker * setae 2 Begley ry Bureau of Phyoical Education. ‘ten LALO Ins, Coe Now Yorks Me Yeo the pact 10 years-the e nern ing | (Ged te 8) bv danster of sooty satay, the ligt rope olitan Tower in Madison Square, Hew Yorks Ee « « Audionge & to 10 miliion Holding the world's record of the Longest period of daily broadcasting + 1924 to 1035 dally 23 years a hysies.. director in several - sections of ‘tin couse oum ry ee or erelscn be at Selemy Ny He and Char Lotte, _ Formrly a newspaper meth Member of Now York Advertis ing Member of Rew York Kiwanis Club yyenaat of repute «+ an athletic trainer « an — ef comunity reereation Club Bie Tepie “Keeping Fit Through Play and Exercie¢' METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY TOPEKA DISTRICT DETACHED SECTION LAWRENCE, KANS. TO HOME OFFICE (pivISION OR SECTION) FROM (NAME AND TITLE OF WRITER) Bho IN RE (DATE OF H.0. LETTER AND INITIALS OF WRITER) ~=S=POLICY NUMBER" —————~C—~s‘“SOS*~*~*~O™:CSCL at. -O. LETTER AND INITIALS OF WRITER) T herr cla Mor £7. [ee ar! Cpr Ie Feet [So ee race rind ogee That eronig (6:00 tb 6/5) pod age k bo the fasnsk Chit at ui deriner phe (about 6: 300M). ee Ae GEN METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY TOPEKA DISTRICT __ [_ SEtACHED Section KA, KANS. tte Merion Barlow, Dear ire Barlovw: Confirming our conversation this morning, we shall be very happy to have Mre Ae Ee Bagley speak to our Physical Education students here et the Universitys ee ee ee to me which might be of interest in plaming his programe I think it would be splendid if i. bagley could speak to ti Sesuak Club, composed of mijors in the Department of Physical Educations “There are about 90 of these students, end at a dinner meeting we cen commt on more than 60 attend- inge In this wy %%. Bagley could reach many more of the students than he could by speeking in one or two of the classes, The regular monthly meeting of Sasnak Club occurs the last Thursday of the month, and if Mr. Bagley could be eee ee + ee ee ee ey nectinges Bech Thursday evening throughout the school year the Department of Physical Education sponsors a radio program over KPKU from € to 6:15 p.me, in a series which we call “Physical Bdueation for Health". ‘The various members of the department collaborate in giving these — troadeastse If Mre Bagley is to be here on Thursday even= ing, November 17, we should be delighted to use him in this eee aie at ce as f you wilt let ne knew when - groups to speak to. Dre moo XQ y C a B% yO : : (ONO Ngo "PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR HEALTH" eS i ities ) November 17, 1938 : (Dr. Forrest Ce Allen and Mr. Ae Ee. Bagley) * —_ ann Very S@-H0# PRESENT ARTHUR E. BAGLEY, DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF be. PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF THE METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK WHOSE SUBJECT Is: (~~ ( ("commion SENSE IN EXERCISE” ay he ee a5 ~ yin. Daily MR. BAGLEY@) FOR THE PAST TEN YEARS CONDUCTED THE DAILY 6 Days 2 week 1o 473 HEALTH BROADCAST HOUR FROM THE METROPOLITAN TOWER IN ry GC/S teteons Cenada + STATIONS IN THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. > AS. g MADISON SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY, THROUGH A NETWORK OF EASTERN - rm HAS BEEN IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION WORK FOR THE PAST 32 YEARS. a / a -— oo olleelemtl tll etl lll Tl Ol Tle le YOU HAVE BEEN LISTENING TO ARTHUR E. BAGLEY - DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OF THE METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. HIS SUBJECT WAS "COMMON SENSE IN EXERCISE” - A TALK OF A PERSONAL NATURE TO EVERY LISTENER, £140 ics es Mise See ti Aceveteeh ~ 0ew cenit a for our friende out there, I want to say "Thank yout to the nenagenmt of KE ICU fer Cake petntiage of openking threngh the alerephene of this heiity dations CR aa wee ae = Shenever Mark Twain was asked whet he thought of human nature, he would rophy thet he didn't think auch of it, but anyhow, be was sure of one thing, and thet ie, thet busen nature is sosothing essentially cussed, dost of ue aay not agree with Twain, bat we will agree, I am sure, thet there 18 sonething Take for example the uatter of exerciot. There is one chap eho sweare exercice is the one end only sure cure for every 121, ache and failure in human lifes Exoreiee will grow bail on « bald head, remove warts, cure bunions, end do anything but revive the dead, Then there is the other «== the chap-who is sure exercise ig li buak end who scorns the golf playing wen, or, a he pute it, the chap who runs after o little dollar pill be has just knocked on the head with a fi : Chub. ind chen you heer Ge @inp and then the other, or beth together, you certeinly are tempted to agree with THALN ««» thet human But there te a cownon sense View to exercise, and to get it wetve got te ae em | : Citef enong these is the fact that son and vowen are not first and Last business o 2m men, Cherks, stenograghers, teachers, doctors, and 20 omy but that first and forenest, they are Living beings, ssehines made up of bone end muscle, of bleed end nerves, and “lote of other little ingredients." Starting with this fect i just neturally follows thet the husen machine, hes ite rules end regulations for proper operation, and that the Haker?s promise of threo~score years and ten of useful service dosen't hold, if the rules Qne of these rules hold thet in order to grow to ite fullest, and reaein at “fee dest, the body must be ueed, brain and tram together, and that inactivity leade to wasting and weekening., Bow thie ien't guesswork, nor is it serely great French Selentist, sade this the besie of his great theory. WILLIAM JAMES, the psychologist, used it es a firet principle in his toschingss There is little joy or fulness of life in a flabby body, but the tendency of our ‘big muscle Jobo for us, ost work tomday 49 in the nature of pushing « button, turning a ewitch, or feeding soucthing to a revenous machine. Perhaps in sone thousend of years we will heve physically adjusted ourselves to this conditions for the present, however, those of us who want to live well and long will have te wake up for thie tendeney in civilisation by exercises. Yor eo long ond varied « group as the vedio audience, there isn wuch one ean sey on how much or what kind of exercise you individually ought te take, But here axe a fow facts which you can interpret and apply to yourself, ap o Sm Thare are two pringiple types of exercises--the light and the heavy, the witethentes end the gymnastics. The first are commonly what we eal] setting- up exerciges, They aro designed te put en edge on you end to give you that guadiness "to go at it," whieh the pitcher gets by his “warming ups* These exercices you get in your Club Gymeaius or the privecy of your own home, The only conson sense you have to exercise about these is not to aise thea and not The second ie the heavy exercises, or the gymnastics, and about these I want to alk more in detail. | You appreciate, I's eure, thet it doeen't sake auch di lawyer, a dooter, s clerk, e stenogrepher, a bank president, or a copporstion heeds thore is a certein uiniaws of physicel developnent you must haves Thus, you showld be able to stand up straight and keep your internal orgens from gagging, Your beck end leg auseles should be strong enough te give you sere end grace of novenent, and to enable you to walk, run and junpe golf club, en axe, or a raquet, to throw o bali, to row a boast, to paddle « cance, te pull « rope, te control « horse, end to swim, All of these you should be able to do without fatigue and with positive pleagures But thet*s the sinimus, the lowest safety line. If you are wise you'll not be gatiefied with the ainiaua, but will seek to develep « wide aargin of safety. In teking your heavy exeralse, choose those that are sost natural, Take them in the open, Lf you cen, end let it be recreation rather than exerciase Walking, a running, jumping, Lifting, throwing, striking, hanging and eliabing, sade tan the muscular aniaal he is today, end they"li recreate you, if you practice heavy work-out with daily exercise drijle, you will have enough to assure you the uiniww: amount of exercise the bedy needs. Whether beavy or Light, don't exercise till it hurts, The idea thet exersice to be worth enything must leave you sore and stiff is about es logical ae the idea thet medicine to be effective wust taste or suell badly, lxerciee till you are go along, but dontt overdo its If you went to know whether you are profiting by your exercioes, ave if they produce in you # fester pulse, « deeper and more rapid breething, and pevspiration, If you got these effects, then you cen be sure that bleod clreulation is increased, thet more food ie being brought to your tissues, and sore waste carried away from thems that your kidneys, lunge, intestines, and skin ere helping to clear out waste products; and, what perhaps is most importent, that your vital organs are portent, more important are the vital organs, the heaxt, the lucga, the intestines, Yow all of what Ifwe said thus fer is pretty general, Exercises should, however, be adapted to the particular age and sex of the individual. The youngster, if he «$e exercise he needs, If he isn't active, he needs nedical attention, The young boy and girl should not be allowed to shirk school athletics, but should be encoureged in every farn of outdeor=play-bell, tennis, «ll running games, wheyeling, swimaing, coasting end skatinge ee ‘guaeles, those of the back, chest, shoulders, hipe and thighs. After thirty, epped end hard endurance trials aren't quite so costrable, but In middle age, exercise is most valuable in holding off deterioration, end those activities which are moderate and not ovareetraining, aay be indulged in with profit and safety. , ke far as sox is concerned, up te the eleventh year there need be no difference fm the gauos or activitios of the boy and girl. After this age there is and should be a separation in type and fora, The best authorities agree that eompetitive athletic games between adolescent boys ond girle ere inadvissblee Repecielly advised against for girls are bresd junp, high Jusp, pole vaulting, weight Wwowlng, and running in competition of sore then 100 yards, Heat other And now one final thought. If you are going in for a resereation of your body, aake @ call on your doctor end sek hia to examine yous He will be able to advise you how fer you cen go, and what you can do with esfety. Then, go ahead end do ft. But remember this: exercise with a common senses In one of the best gymasia in the city, there is posted a big sign, printed in large letters and placed so that whoever comes in must see it, 4nd on thie «m & w sign there is written the following advices Imeveise your backwausaless Crm dnd before I clove I would Like to refer to the splendid adventages you all Rene sgeentnt (0 pony Qo heey eantsllyy apletatiy ent pyntenkiy Mite sakes te eal ahben, Oa ath the tober ite ci : ian alia ~ wholesone cxercise opportunities « sithin the reach of oreryone « sush ac golf, tenmia « owimaing « biayoling « ball gases « beating and fishing, «ot pecan Saniahs ik ania tus bia perticipstion in these enjoyable ond health giving activities « but make 46 a regular daily habit « to enjoy them for your health's sakes 1 OLE pete iy Tv. nghy Cott nn Nov, 4, 1938 Dy, 2. €. Alem, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. My Dear Dr. Alle: It was good to hear from you again and you may rest assured that I have the facilities for your basket ball prac- tice in hand and we will be all set for you in December on your trip back from Texas. Central Highschool's Gym will be the best and that is where we will have the boys work out. I hope to be on hand for your Stillwater dates. The football situation of our beloved University is quite a shock to me this Fall as I had understood that we were going places. 1 understand that Glenn Cunningham is to speak in Oklahoma City on November 17th and as this is the day for our weekly meeting with the Downtown Quarterback Club, we would like to have him as our lumcheon guest. I would also like to have the pleasure of personally entertaining him while he is in the city. I wonder if you would contact him and see if he would care to put himself in my hands on that occasion. lrusting this information is satisfactory and hoping to hear from you and Cimningham about the Novenber 17th date, I an As Ever Your Devoted Friend, A "PAPER IS OUR BUSINESS AND NOT A SIDE LINE” cL. ie ssf ih oy a | i sa inf elt aie if! a aa i neal i Gash aug! ia ui 43 i te il ie i Hai i GH A aa tal Bae i i: iH a i a Ha Sere eer oe | | ;t cone it, ‘Tth all good ‘Fas ie is ae aul Pe Se Confidentially, I might say that Glenn Cunningham will be in Oklahoma City two days, the 17th and the 18th. He is now at the University of Oklahoma, in care of Fe Je Miller, Norman, Oklahome F.C elle