THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES NEW YORK HOME OFFICE THOMAS |. PARKINSON. PRESIDENT ot Cc. G. WILSON, REPRESENTATIVE 3 312% So. OHIO, SEDALIA. MISSOURI Se MEMBER $150.000 Corps ae CENTURY CLUB 1939-1940 SS SEDALIA, MISSOURI, ~ E | Mar. 25, 1940. ‘oa Dr, Forrest C, Allen: > Director of Physical Education, Be: ' Kansas University, a Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Doctor: ; Will have to take off the old hat to you. Beating the 1940 teams of Mo.; Okla.; Iba; and then So, Cal., all within a few weeks,is quite an achievement in my book! Congratulations, and more power to you against Indianasg. 7 You probably don't remember, but about twenty years ago I rode part way over to Columbia "with you on the M.K.&T. when you were going over to referee a game, at which time, I dis- cussed with you a foot-ball knee injury I had suffered several years previously. You are the only one that ever convinced me you knew what my trouble was, and had you still been in War- rensburg at that time, I would have come to you for treatment, The knee has always been a little weak but given me very — little trouble in recent years, However, last August I twisted it playing golf and since that time it hasn't Showad much im- — provement. Doesn't seem to me it has again lined up right inside, Have decided I want you to make an examination of this knee som time soon, Have a hunch you can either correct or greatly impr it, at least, I want your advice on it. If you will set a defi time and place you can see me I'll drive out to Lawrence anytime during the next two weeks, and will wire you a day ahead so you'] know I am coming, I feel sure you will have too many other things on your mind but in case you are going to K, C. as early as Fri or Sat. morning and think you would have time to look this knee mine over for a few minutes, just wire me collect and tell me where and when, Would like to run up for the game anyway, which - the only reason I mention this, but don't consider it if same wov inconvemience you any. Shall appreciate hearing from you and hope to see you either this week or next, whenever it best suits you. By. Raed Res Fe be ee | Bea J, é Very truly yours, el. ke