| Hope To hear from you soon. Rexford, Kans. March 4, 1940 Dear Dre Allen | am ashamed of myself for not writing aooner. | have been busy all winter. ! have been working on the ranch most of the time. {| got to go with the show-herd to the Denver Stock Show. It was really swell and while | was there | looked up and old team-mate of mine who is play- ing on the University of Denver basketball team. His name is Lawrence Toburnen, We played together when | when to school in Colby. Boy, Am | glad that you beat M.U. 1! had a lot bet on that game, | am proudito say that K.U. is my school. 1 wish you the best of luck in the Oklahoma game, | know that if the boys are going that you will win. | have had a good season this year. I! have played 14 games and we have a tourney coming up next week, I! don't want to sound as if | am bragging, but | am proud of the fact that | have scored 242 points in those 14 games, Its true that town team basketball isn't like college, but we have played somepretty tough teams. We played a team of prefessional Negroes. They beat us ten pointss with a score of 59-49, 1 got lucky that night and scored 19 points. The most | have gotten this season in one game is 28. 1! hope you don't think | am bragging, as | don't want to leave that impression atiadl but {| thought maybe that you would be interested. kee The wheat looks good now and maybe we will have a crop. | certainly hope so .« | am coming back to school next year if sweaisle and | am certainly determined to do so, | hope 1 haven't taken to much of your time. ! want to close wishing the best of luck in the Olka, game and | am pulling for all | am worth,