May 2, 1939.6 Mire Conley Vatts, Soe Cache High School, Hyrum, Utahs Dear lire Yattes Your letter to Dr. Allen resarding his basketball rating chart has been received. Your neme wis on tho list to whan we have mailed this basketball study, and I am sure that you will receive it ina few day8se If you do not receive it ina reasonable tie, let us imow and we will be glad to forward another Gopye Sincerely yours ‘ Secretary to Dre Fe S« Allens 3 Gy ? o = ° at re @ m 2 5 2 a i o @ pe 4 ROBERT ERI WOOD LAWRENCE, KANSAS April 10, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, 801 Louisiana 5St., Lawrence, Kansas, Dear "Phog:" Some time ago I was up to see you regarding giving a talk to the Hi-Y boys who will be here on Monday, April 17th, to attend the meeting of Hi-Y officers. This is to tell you that you are to be our guest at the banquet, which begins at six o’clock that evening. Yours will be the main talk——the inspirational talk——of the evening. Among the tenets of the Hi-Y oneaed ee tion are the following: "Clean Speech, Clean Sports, Clean Scholarship, and Clean Living." Could you embody those in your talk, or make them the background of your talk, and give these boys a real challenge? I believe it would also be to the point to give as many examples of fellows, athletes or otherwise, who have been he-men and still have stood for square shooting in all they do. Unless I hear from you otherwise, I will look for you definitely at the high school at the time Robert E. Wood and on the date given above. April ll, 1959. Varsity Basketball Coach. June 1, 1959. yours, Secretary to Dre Fe Ce Allens dune 6, 19396 Dear De Jes | Superintendext Birch just called me this morning wal wih Hak oh ee Weed dadlite Maak Sha pes wees elected to the job. Your cowtract will be forwarded to yon Within a doy oF Se Again I want to congratulate you, end I know that you and Yauriee Camndy willd @ great job togethers Ve ae CaN eee See: Ley eee ee Re ae eee splendid opportunitye writ taut etude Sie gun auntuiens x ook Very sincerely yours, rector of Physical Biucation, Al Wellhausen, R218 Nos Kate Street, - Oklahane. City, Oklehans.. Jue 7, 1939s Very It will be a pleasure to see you Saturday mornings — Dre Fo 3, Wri ghtman, 3 to golf the did are and Ue fr ty L Diyector of Fiysical Biueation, Varsity Basketball Conchs ee: “ia GOLDEN STATE AGENCY STATE AGENT STATE FARM COMPANIES BLOOMINGTON ILLINOIS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA A. M. STANLEY STATE DIRECTOR June 23, 1939 Mr. Forrest Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas . Dear Mr, Allen: Mr. Bob White, who has applied to us for a position on the sales force of the State Farm Insurance Companies, has given us permission to refer to youe We would very much appreciate hearing from you, giving us whatever information you are able as to Mr. White's integrity and ability, and particularly with reference to his ability and personality in relation to direct sales work. Whatever information you are able to furnish us will be of material assistance. We are enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope for your convenience, Whenever we are able to reciprocate ip any way we shall be very glad to do so. AMs/1 ___—_ INSURANCE __@ duly Gy 1959e en or ttaea, Chemute Hospital, Chanute, Fensage Dear Horas wore sorry indeod to hear of your 41Iness, bt 1 hope or is coming along all right nows You are & little fighter, and I imow that you will give © ged tate With very best wishes, I an : Director of Myystoal Rezention ant Hecrention duly 7, 1989 ever, I do hope to seo you in the uear future. With best wishes, I am | , Director of Phy Biusation and Recreation, LICENSE RENEWAL LAW IN MISSOURI : Laws 1937, Page 188 Section 13521-A. Annual registration fee authorized—re- newal mandatory—penalty for failure to renew.—All persons who are now or may hereafter be regularly registered and licensed to practice osteopathy shall, on or before the first day of Novem- ber annually hereafter, renew his or her certificate of registration or license and pay a renewal fee of Two Dollars ($2.00) each year; provided, that satisfactory evidence is presented to the board that the said licensee in the year preceding the application for renewal attended at least one of the two-day educational pro- grams as conducted by the Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, or its equivalent as approved by the Missouri Association of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons. The Secretary of the State Board of Osteopathic Registration and Examination shall notify each person having a certificate of regis- tration or license at least thirty (30) days prior to the due date of the renewal fee and give a receipt when the renewal fee is paid. Every person failing to renew his or her certificate or license within thirty (30) days after the same is due may have his or her certificate of registration or license restored only upon payment of a restoration fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) for each delinquent year in addition to the renewal fee. Any licensed osteopath fail- ing to renew his or her certificate within three (3) years after the same is due may, in the discretion of the State Board of Osteo- pathic Registration and Examination, forfeit all rights under his or her license to practice osteopathy in this state. Provided, that the State Board of Osteopathic Registration and Examination, for the purpose of enforcing this provision and other provisions of Chapter 102, Revised Statutes of Missouri, 1929, shall be author- ized and empowered to employ and pay for all clerical services © whenever, in their opinion, the same is necessary. b. Qh. Approved June 19, 1937. nega 1 Xx 12625 85 GSES, ET data dume 24, 1939. ti Hi HS f uy, be fs a8 in te il } il al 3 ty Hh uf yee ff fi TH i i 1 : With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Girector af Versity Conch, 68 to Dts Eotorlys RusseLt L. Wirey, Director LAWRENCE, KANSAS — University of Kansas Bands May 1, 1939 Dre Fe OC. Allen Director of Physical Education 105 Robinson University of Kansas . My dear Dr. Allen: I wish to express our very sincere appreciation to you for the splendid cooperation you gave us in the staging of our festival this week end. The use of the gymasium was indispensable as it served two major purposes--the checking of instruments and a place for the large organizations to tune up for the contests. If we could not offer this service to our visiting musicians we Would be subjected to severe criti- cism from our visiting people and, doubtless, it would affect our attendance within a very short time since all other con-| tests do offer this service and give the people that in the way of facilities. I received your letter, Dr. Allen, and I can appre- Giate the position in which you were placed. I did not ask for the gymnasium six months in advance. It is possible I took too much for granted but you will remember we have been privileged to use it for previous festivals and I naturally assumed we would have the same cooperation this year. Mr. Nichols mentioned something to me regarding the loss of some play ground equipment. I would like a statement from you on this giving me the final outcome. We do not want you to stand any financial loss as a result of this festival and we will make up for any such losses. I have gone my limit, Dr. Allen, to cooperate with you in every possible manner. I don't recall an instance when you requested the services of my department that you did not get it to the best of my ability. I wish to pledge to you my continued cooperation through the seasons to come. I am desirous that a meeting be held one of these days with you, Dean Swarthout, Mr. Nichols, and myself present. I ‘ feel that our difficulties can be worked out with no ill feel- ings and quite to the satisfaction of everyone concerned. Again thanking you for letting us have the gymnasium for this past festival, I am | Yours very sincerely, /~ te ee L poli. ee MARCH WITH US “ot Meetivar Dirdcto A a rlw/ep : Se . Eo a A FIRS Ee —h 4 5 AF BS Ec wT HS GS : Damage incurred in Robinson Gymnasium ~~ during the time the members of the high school bands were allowed use i ‘ert ee building: c og center basketball goals broken as “Badminton net standards bent and loops ed ys broken off 7 ag Indian clubs broken (2 at least) % Sy Rew tS J % ’ 7 +h od, i 4 roi iF a ed , age in women's side of basement broken Loe ep it ned Ney and the following itens taken: nue pee ventiis mackets 4,50 - 44.357 sy + 2 Ping pong paddles we, “$4 ey Ses n balls 1 cotton blanket taken from cot July 28, 193% : t have also told Dean about the electric toaster tnt will be my comtritution to the NesmithaiLiace housshold, ent 1 trust that you will enjoy its wath weny heh wlaige So ome T mn Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches Mr. and Mrs. LR. Wallace request the honour of pour presence at the marriage of their daughter Norma Rov to Sir. Dean B. Nesmith on Guesdan, the fifteenth of August nineteen hundred thirty-nine ; at ten a’civek in the morning Methodist Church Wates Genter, Ransas Reception immediately afier the cerenronn 311 Kast Washington Sh hari hres , eva. ee Rs Mn Coe - pat eo ee se oP : Yo andl tLats tet Freel. PU x gt oe en te el GS a, orogens a ne Gt, Loe co eS or, he 2 Jon Netter. oe : bet Kae Y aie 7 4 arnt June 25, 1989, 822 Topalm Bivde, Toneln, K : Dear De Jet | : i7th iustant. I greatly appreciate your kind words. I have in mind your request in regard to a ‘Foon in a pleasent location, end an working on ite I am sure thet I can give you some suggestions along that line, end will write you later in the sumer about its Vth best wishes for a very pleasant sumer, lan : Cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache June 17, 1939 822 Topeka Blvd. Topeka, Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: Just a line to tell you how very much 1 appreciate all that you've done for me, while I was in school, as well as helping me with my job. Also I would like to thank you also for the fine cooperation that you gave the Jay Janes this last year. The girls certainly enjoy the interest you show the club--in fact they agree with me that "you're tops". I hope that you have an enjoyable summer and won't melt away before I see you again the the Fall. Thankyou again, Dr. Allen. Sincerely, Sy s August 12, 1939. rotor of ysis cen! Taorentn