RusseLt L. Wirey, Director LAWRENCE, KANSAS — University of Kansas Bands May 1, 1939 Dre Fe OC. Allen Director of Physical Education 105 Robinson University of Kansas . My dear Dr. Allen: I wish to express our very sincere appreciation to you for the splendid cooperation you gave us in the staging of our festival this week end. The use of the gymasium was indispensable as it served two major purposes--the checking of instruments and a place for the large organizations to tune up for the contests. If we could not offer this service to our visiting musicians we Would be subjected to severe criti- cism from our visiting people and, doubtless, it would affect our attendance within a very short time since all other con-| tests do offer this service and give the people that in the way of facilities. I received your letter, Dr. Allen, and I can appre- Giate the position in which you were placed. I did not ask for the gymnasium six months in advance. It is possible I took too much for granted but you will remember we have been privileged to use it for previous festivals and I naturally assumed we would have the same cooperation this year. Mr. Nichols mentioned something to me regarding the loss of some play ground equipment. I would like a statement from you on this giving me the final outcome. We do not want you to stand any financial loss as a result of this festival and we will make up for any such losses. I have gone my limit, Dr. Allen, to cooperate with you in every possible manner. I don't recall an instance when you requested the services of my department that you did not get it to the best of my ability. I wish to pledge to you my continued cooperation through the seasons to come. I am desirous that a meeting be held one of these days with you, Dean Swarthout, Mr. Nichols, and myself present. I ‘ feel that our difficulties can be worked out with no ill feel- ings and quite to the satisfaction of everyone concerned. Again thanking you for letting us have the gymnasium for this past festival, I am | Yours very sincerely, /~ te ee L poli. ee MARCH WITH US “ot Meetivar Dirdcto A a rlw/ep : Se .