OFFICERS HARRY LANGLAND, PRESIDENT L. R. BASSETT, TREASURER Cc. F. WILSON, SECRETARY T. B. WARREN, SUPERINTENDENT BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS o D hii [ DR.W.B.SPEROW RAY MCHOSE eg a ad U tc cr 00 G PURCHASE OF SUPPLIES % MRS. H.W. BOWERS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT MES) ROBT SOYEE Nevada, Infoa January 18, 1938 Athletic Director Tniversity of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas We are building one of the finest High School Gymnasiums in the State of Iowa. We are wondering about the use of the Lighted Baskets or Bask-0O-Lite. I understand you are using them. Would you be kind enough to drop me a line by return mail giving me your reaction to their use? Thank you. Sincerely, LES.