‘February 16, 19596 li. Tom Weems, Cheizmen, Basketball Comittee, nee Cotes Seat GAMER, CELE CCENite Dear ir. Weems: your letter of February 7th, t wild answer your questions in orders Yes, our basketball games are played directly upon scat ibhceainaih aitbaainar tases Should you desire to employ a false floor, I suggest that you write to Dean John ‘is Bum, at Stanford University, Stanford, Californiae le can give you the arvrengement of the false floor in Madison Square Garden, New Yorke I heave seen the floor in operation, but I believe that Im. Bum could give you more definite information on ite inte eu hee Miatink dibbnigneet eumians tins definitely know of = the Hillyard Chemical Caapany, St. Joseph, - issow, and the SealeOsdan Caspany, of Iimtington, Indieame By writing to these people I em sure they would be glad to send you information on their compositionse Madison Square Garden uses the Hillyerd product, and a mmber of colleges and universities use the Seal-O-San floor finishe Both are standard. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA sAll Varsity Basketball Coache