ss E, GLENN WOODBURY, REPORTER ee eee : NEBRASKA CITY, ‘NEBRASKA : : PAPILLION, NEBRASKA County of Sarpy DISTRICT COURT PAPILLION, NEBRASKA + January 23, 1939 Dr. F. 0, Allen Xan sas Universi ty Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: -_ TI have ween referred to you by the Cramer Chemical Co., Gardner, Kansas, in regard to your new book on ‘Better Basketball." , What I had in mind was a book on how to train to become an athlete, for high school boys; that is, regarding food, rest and activities, etc. If this book contains this information I wuld apnoreciate your sending a copy C.0.D. If not, ? would appreciate some information as to where I could get this sort of a book. . Thanking you, I am Very truly yours, E.G. VYoodbury Official C,urt R,porter : , cae Court House | oe . Nebraska City, N.braska