Jenwary 16, 1958. : imeuering your kind letter of the 12th instant, my. I idndly call attention to the terminclogy which you heve uses “Hocking is person) contact which impedes the prog- Ene Ff Sm CypemeEe she Kee nee fhe tart." wiidalaastn: w een Gout woik Mapas Mien So Tem sure thet you meant to seck information on the percentage of teams throughout the country who use e system of eo i orecomnaa te agree Sh gaclagetor ap in the big confer~ emces use wither @ moving scree: or a set screen, This applies | also to most of the larger conferences regarding the individual petpeie ieee Peer it canter quia sceliet ty ae ed fe. eal j College, Drake University, Tulsa University, Creighton Unive exsity, Grimell College, Vashburn College, Vashingten Univer= en ee ee ee ee fest break, coupled with the set playse Tho aieioulty with hich echool teams is tint the r immmetiure ‘a 5 i Varsity Raskethall Consh,