January Sp 2 938. ssriooy st St ie at loagt an Sntiontion of tur roveg nition of the service you rendered. Ne alvays appreciate @ fellow like you to come. ‘through in the clutches. Wath ieiasdonh sregianting t an Director of Piysioal Rawation, FCAsAH Varsity Dasketball Coachs WEBB WOODWARD & CO. Fire + Casualty - Bonds TELEPHONE NUMBER 22-2334 633 JACKSON STREET TOPEKA, KANSAS January 3, 1937 Dr. Forest C. Allen Athletic Department University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Will you be kind enough to set aside for me four tickets to the Kansas-Oklahoma game Friday night. I will call for them at the ticket booth at the auditorium. You need not confirm this letter. , I am wondering how Mit weS getting along with his family as it seems about time for that new ad- Gition. I was fortunate in having a son on Christ- mas eve. Please give my best regards to Mrs. Allen and the family. Very truly yours fell Apo ebare-h WwW: JM COMPLETE PROPERTY PROTECTION January 5, 1938s Mr» Webb Woodward, 635 Jackson Strest, Dear Webb: ; I heve done exactly as you requested regarding the four tickets and they will be in your name at the ticket booth at the auditoriums T would have followed your orders if it had only re-glisnlingen goigth sl age to Pt wing hay Age nee cn sete nyeginges Ser tak i cicuod Doms Geka ties aa Bae ZI want to lmow that I carried ; message home and Mrs, Allen said, sure and tell Webb the Allons heartily congratulate hime" She renenbers when you visited at our heme and told her about the anticipated event. Now regarding Milton, They are expecting the arrival of an heir about Jenuary first, sco most any moment we would not be surprised to get saue word, Nowever, on Friday night the freshmen and the ever-victorious allestars are playing after the Okiaham game, and Milton is hoping to come in for that game. I imagine the great strain on the young man 4s apt to interfer with hin in his basketball play. Webb, nt a ee ey ee ee happy as can bes Now, since I have brought the information regarding ths sis es Oe i would like to be remembered to all the Woodwards, of whom all the Allens are vory fonds With every good wish, I am ~ . Preternally yours, Varsity Basketball Coach, Director December 31, 1937 -1- VV/ (2 & [— Bob Ellis----We take you now to the ringside where the battle of the year is in the closing minutes of the twelfth round. From late reports it looks like a kmeckout for the old year. The next voice yéu hear will be that of the announcer at the ringside, Ernie Mehl/ , Labb) Me hl----- Thanks B&b, and goad evening, ladies. and gentlemen: This ‘hes been a great fight ever sence ne Meee start last January but‘it looks to me like the kid se going to take him. The o 1d man has Stayed in there on his experience alone. And what experience! But the new year is the fresher of the two now. Joe Knack is the referee and I'll get his opinion. Say as who just landed that last lett? Knack----- Whet 's that? The last left? I guess I wasn't looking. Meh1l---~- Not looking? You'ré the referee arentt you? Youfre Supposed to look, nate t know but sometimes it gets so brutal I have to close my eyes. Anyway I like that part where I ates my eyes. Mehl----- The kid's got him, hasn't he Joe? Bhe old man can't last through this round. By the way, what round is it? Knack----What round? I'll have to dheok bp. Let's see, we started this fight in a 1937. The second round was in February. My aunt visited me that month. The third round was in March. I remember hearing the robins.. The fourth round was in April, the fifth in May, the sixth in June, the seventh in July. I remember the old guy started perspiring about that time. After figuring it out this is the twelfth round. 2. Mehls----Joe, the old man' s on the ropes. Don't you think you'd better stop it. Knack----- What for, I'm not Pediecae hurt. And anyway I've soiets my curfew,’ Mehl----I know but he's bleeding at the nose, both eyes are closed and it looks like all his teeth have been knocked out. Knack----I don't care. Hit him again, kid. Mehl~---Say, weit a minute. Youtre the referee. You can't do that. -Knack---Who can't. What did the old year ever do for me. Brought me nothing but bills and taxes, Mehl----~- And your aunt.. Knack----Yeah, and my aunt.. And also a lot of bad predictions. I never picked a winning horse » never picked a winning football teem and hed the wrong team in the world's series. So why should I feel sorry for the old man. Hit him again kid, Mehl----- He's down, Jae, Start counting, Kneack----He won't get any long count from me. I don't like him. Mehl----- Joe, he's trying to get tp. But he can't make it. He.'s gone. Kneck----I think he wants to tell me something. I'll lend him my eare wey Te that? Mehl----- What did he say, Joe? Knack---Ernie, this will give you a laugh. The old year says he knaws he's gone but he hes a dying request fo meke. He's hear d that we have DrfF.@. Allen, the Kansas basket ball coach, as a guest tonight and he wants to ask him a favor. Mehl---_What school did the old year attend, Joe? Ask him. Knack----He-ah, wait a minute. He says he's an alumnus of the University of Nebraska. Mehl----What does he want from Dr. Allen?. Knack---He says wam he wants Dr. Allen to let Nebraska win a basket ball championship just once. Mehl----Tell him to stay alive just tone enough for me to inoguire. Dre Allen--or shall I say Phog---would you be willing to let Nebreske win the Big Stix conference basket ball chempionship this season just to gratify a dying old year? owe oe | : Dr. Allen-~---- Gentlemen, I g& the old year nothing. In some weys he's been a pretty good fellow. Let him remember how we at Kanses begged just a few favors from him dos ie the foatball season. How many of these favors did he rank? No, I will promise him nothing. L et him enjoy his last breath knowing that the eben sks basketeers need expect no mercy from the Jayhawkers. Mehl----Come to think about it, Phog, you don't expect any mercy from them.. Dr. Alleny---Ernie, I have lived up to this point realizing that it is foolish to expect mercy from anybody in sports. . Knack----Well Phog you're not going to be shown any mercy on this p rogram. Ernie and I ley awake nights thinking up mean things we can say to our guests. Mehl---~-And Phog when you agreed to be here tonight we got to thinking: suppose we ask him whet he thinks of the Kensas besket ball prospects for this season. He might talk on that ane subject alone for an hour. We had to devise some method by which the answers could be limited. Knack----S o we have a bell here, Phog. When it rings you've got to stop and we'll govon with another question. It reminds me of the time--- (bell) Mehl-----That will give you an idea, Phog. When Joe ssid that it reminds btm of something the bell rang end he had to stop. We dueht to have the bell here all the time for him. Now you take myselg. I am never verbose. T--- (be11) Dre Allen---~- I have the idea fellows. You want ea guest up here So you can do most of the talking. Mehi---~-Well, Jove, .push the old year over in the corner so we cen't hear his moans and welll get down to some serious thinking. Knack-~--~Serious--sh-thinking? Mehl~---— Yes, the other comes later. But first we ought to heave & proper introduction for our guest. Cen't you make one for him. Knack----With pleasare. He is to besket ball what Knute Rockne | wes to football. And he has Just written a new book on besket ball which is so comprehensive that even another cosch can understand it. Mehl----Msybe so but if Phog starts talking about passing zones and i lanes and so. on ring the bell. All I kmow is that his teams elweys win basket ball championships ~ When he tries to explain to me how it's done I'm confused. Dr. Allen---You fellows haven't asked me but I will supply the information that I don't win championships-The players do that for me. Knack----And you have nothing to do with it at all, I presume? Mehl----- We want no modesty on this program, Phog. Dr. Allen----# coach can do only certain things. First he has to have the material. Then it's up to him to get the most out of thet meterial. Knack--~--- Well, P hag, does a besket ball pleyer require certein definite specifications? Dr. Allen----He certainly does. Basket ball demands a great deal of skil 1. Speed is an essential. Body co-ordination is necessary «- An alert mind and a stout heart are Qualities he can't be without and become a star. I doubt whether any other sport demands more of the player than basket ball. Mehl----- I know this, it demands a great deal more endurence than football,. for example. Or baseball. And with the cen ter jump elimineted that means more endurance than ever. Kneck-—--~jtwesy Now thet you've sworn to tell the whole truth, Phog, we're going to start tonight ts celebrations with a battery of guestions. But first, Ernie, tell the whol e truth and nothing but the truth yourself, | (commercial) Knack------Wetve been calling you Doctor Allen, boc and Phog--- where does that nickname of Phog came in? Alla -----~ Knadt----~- So thatts ite If ther eal you Pho@ I wonder what they oucht to call Quigley? Me hl------- Joe, that's where Quigley anil Allem fom a teat, Dr. is called Phog avd Quigley. has bem called everything else. Knadt=-----Phog, I*m going to knock you over wish this question. ho Will win the Big Six basket ball race this season? And I want the truthe : % Allen =----- Mehl------- I thought you asked him for the truth, Joe? -Knack------ I did and he avswered the truth as wdil as he could, You see, there's different truths. One for the average man and one for tle coach, Me hl------- Bhog, tell us, @ you make those predictions with your tongue in your cheek? Allen------ . Knao ke---=-= Apparently, Phog, psychology plays am important factor in, coaching, doesn*t it? Suppose we try out that psychology heres Wetll imagine the game is ong with three minut oaLett to play. Your team is three points behind. Itm a a1bstitute on the bench. How would ke you send m in the game? ov— Allen~----- That ts easy. I*d pwbably send you to the showers. Mehl----~--That's good psychology. At least it would please the craord, Knade------Thanks, Ernie, But suppose youfre a swb on the sam team. Now Phog how would you handle Mehl? \ Allen----- Ita semi him up @ relieve the tuba player in the band, 6 Knack------ The tuba pk yer must be.terrible. But, get serious, explain your use of psychology? All en------- ¢ Me hl-------- Joe, let *s try out that psychology som time wren we ask for a raise. Knack-------It won't work, Mehl. The boss happens be a psychologist him selfe. Mehl----«Phog, how about that Alla@ brothers basket ball team which used to get so mud attention in these wore parts ? How did it happa@ all of you were athletes? Alla ----- Knack~--~- Phog, Itm glad youtre here, We want to know what you think of the new rules im basket ball. If you wmntt mind, fedure that elimination of the center jutp after evey goal. Kihei Mehl-------But Phog doesn'tt this new rule make it possible for more boys to enjoy basket; ball? After all, any gort which can include more boys should be justified. Allen-----.— Knack------- Phog, what, you rate as number one as the best conceived sport there is, both amteur and professional? Allen<------ Mehl-------My vote goes for baseball, Phog. What's your objection to that ? Bille onan Knack-------Well, my vote goes for footballs As proof I offer the fact more people are thrilled by a football game than a baskeé ball game, Dontt you think so? Allen ------- Mehl --~---- --It just reminds m, Joe, wetre great hosts, We invitop guest up here amd we haven't agreed with him on anything yetis Allen ----=-I didn't expect to be agreed with when IT cane up heres If I ewer coached a team of stubborns you'd be co-captainso Knack-------Ernie, letts make a New Yearts remlutions. After this when we invite somebody up here weil treat him nices Mehl------- It won't work, Knack. Knack------Phog, in all your coaching career wiat has given you your ereatest ¢hrillk? Ai gnesncns nO Knack- ----The belil's broken, Ernie, but the chack isntt,. Wetve jugs got time to wish everyone a very, very happy New Year. Mehi------ Include Dr. Allav and myseFf in that, Joes Take it pep,lucto—