Mehl---~-And Phog when you agreed to be here tonight we got to thinking: suppose we ask him whet he thinks of the Kensas besket ball prospects for this season. He might talk on that ane subject alone for an hour. We had to devise some method by which the answers could be limited. Knack----S o we have a bell here, Phog. When it rings you've got to stop and we'll govon with another question. It reminds me of the time--- (bell) Mehl-----That will give you an idea, Phog. When Joe ssid that it reminds btm of something the bell rang end he had to stop. We dueht to have the bell here all the time for him. Now you take myselg. I am never verbose. T--- (be11) Dre Allen---~- I have the idea fellows. You want ea guest up here So you can do most of the talking. Mehi---~-Well, Jove, .push the old year over in the corner so we cen't hear his moans and welll get down to some serious thinking. Knack-~--~Serious--sh-thinking? Mehl~---— Yes, the other comes later. But first we ought to heave & proper introduction for our guest. Cen't you make one for him. Knack----With pleasare. He is to besket ball what Knute Rockne | wes to football. And he has Just written a new book on besket ball which is so comprehensive that even another cosch can understand it. Mehl----Msybe so but if Phog starts talking about passing zones and