2. Mehls----Joe, the old man' s on the ropes. Don't you think you'd better stop it. Knack----- What for, I'm not Pediecae hurt. And anyway I've soiets my curfew,’ Mehl----I know but he's bleeding at the nose, both eyes are closed and it looks like all his teeth have been knocked out. Knack----I don't care. Hit him again, kid. Mehl~---Say, weit a minute. Youtre the referee. You can't do that. -Knack---Who can't. What did the old year ever do for me. Brought me nothing but bills and taxes, Mehl----~- And your aunt.. Knack----Yeah, and my aunt.. And also a lot of bad predictions. I never picked a winning horse » never picked a winning football teem and hed the wrong team in the world's series. So why should I feel sorry for the old man. Hit him again kid, Mehl----- He's down, Jae, Start counting, Kneack----He won't get any long count from me. I don't like him. Mehl----- Joe, he's trying to get tp. But he can't make it. He.'s gone. Kneck----I think he wants to tell me something. I'll lend him my eare wey Te that? Mehl----- What did he say, Joe? Knack---Ernie, this will give you a laugh. The old year says he knaws he's gone but he hes a dying request fo meke. He's hear d