December 31, 1937 -1- VV/ (2 & [— Bob Ellis----We take you now to the ringside where the battle of the year is in the closing minutes of the twelfth round. From late reports it looks like a kmeckout for the old year. The next voice yéu hear will be that of the announcer at the ringside, Ernie Mehl/ , Labb) Me hl----- Thanks B&b, and goad evening, ladies. and gentlemen: This ‘hes been a great fight ever sence ne Meee start last January but‘it looks to me like the kid se going to take him. The o 1d man has Stayed in there on his experience alone. And what experience! But the new year is the fresher of the two now. Joe Knack is the referee and I'll get his opinion. Say as who just landed that last lett? Knack----- Whet 's that? The last left? I guess I wasn't looking. Meh1l---~- Not looking? You'ré the referee arentt you? Youfre Supposed to look, nate t know but sometimes it gets so brutal I have to close my eyes. Anyway I like that part where I ates my eyes. Mehl----- The kid's got him, hasn't he Joe? Bhe old man can't last through this round. By the way, what round is it? Knack----What round? I'll have to dheok bp. Let's see, we started this fight in a 1937. The second round was in February. My aunt visited me that month. The third round was in March. I remember hearing the robins.. The fourth round was in April, the fifth in May, the sixth in June, the seventh in July. I remember the old guy started perspiring about that time. After figuring it out this is the twelfth round.