Jumuary 11, 1988. Ure Carl Weidner, 4946 Winons, | : Ste Louis, Hoe Dear Carls 3 ; | T am happy that you liked the pictures. The Jayhawkers are not doling so well now, Carls jaihs Sabh Piktuw Waaes Yio Nendowa kasohed cs kukk on tae River, and we haven't vecoverede, 5 will you aueka oun totliy veh % anbeentend tae ait is to pay debts contracted in good faith. I an sure next year you will be able to make it and we will be happy to see Vote Congratulations on your “imicipal League undefeated ie £ notice that you said that Missouri -played more of a hit or miss style. Well, I will tell you we do just like than, only our system is a miss style instead of a hit and miss. Both Prom and Cooper are goode I see wheve they licked Frosty Con's Colorado team The other night. Their game must have been something like ours ; There are five teans in the outfit that will scramble each other's eggse The other team, Nobrasim, should — have a walleaway, but if they are as poor as are they my note \ ax \ Simeerely yours, Director of Physical Baucation, FUASAH | Varsity Basketball Coache