oe ae October 4, 1937. wary Warren V. Woody, Bquitabie Life Aneareriee Society, 120 8S, LeSalle Streot, Chicago, Tilinois. Dear Warren: Thanks for your good ictter of October i. I will definitely Shock on Earl Close this | week, and let you know, I*'11 have him come in and talk with hin, He seems to be # a dandy chap and we have him working in the towel room now, — but it © tor ts etna when we put too much work one boy just oe to college, especially if he does not i envi ronme nt oo out for the best acade BOb-UDs» , I saw Merkel this morning, and he is wory happy. Uverything is straightened out, and he seems to be doing fine. Martin's t ramont is a little more even then Monte'’s, but Monte is responsive. and if he can spend enough time st ng I think he is going to make a fine athlete, . I agree with you that Chicago should be a great fseder for the University if these boys efi through, as ail of us hope and expect they Ww s Sh wan otanek eek . to the ~ nice things you have said ¢ Mo. i apprec- iate it, Wercen, but I do not know at the present time if there is anything thet t I care to have say to anyone, even as much as t abereetate 16. Really, irre I would like for the people te just leave me out o the argument for a while and let mo Ge my work in the new Physical Education setup. lly good friend a ees Lupton, is tells around that there is no eha in the’ che heres that it is just as it was before only we have two athletic directors now, instead of ane, end that I an Punning things. —