OFFICERS Assistant Director, James Van Dyck Assistant Director, Rex ConNnER President, C1LyDE SMITH Vice-President, Ricwarp GAcE Business Manager, Kart RupPENTHAL Secretary, Date UnpERWoOoD Treasurer, Jack LarFER Drum Majors, Jack Larrer Jack DaLBy Bos HaMPeEL LaVERNE HAcKLER Bos WooLvERTON ws MID-WESTERN MUSIC CAMP June 13 To JuLY 24 Summer, 1938 Dean, D. M. SwarTHOUT Camp Director, RusseLt L. WILEY Orchestra Director, Davin T. Lawson Guest Conductors, Haroitp BAcHMAN A. Austin Harpinc Lupwic HEBESTREIT AND OTHERS LINIVERSITY of KANSAS BANDS Russevri L. Witeyv, Ditector LAWRENCE, KANSAS February 8, 1938 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: Thank you very kindly for your letter of February 7, with copies of Mr. Fuller's letter and your answer to it. I appreciate very much indeed your sending this over, and I am glad to know that the Band is adding materially to the pageantry at the basketball games. The Band will be in Kansas City Friday of this week, and I am writing Mr. Fuller that we will be glad to have him drop over to the lovely Wyandotte High School to hear the Band Friday morning and be our lunch guest there Friday noon. ; Certainly the basketball team is going to town, as it always does; and you and the team deserve all of our congratulations for heading off Kansas State, when they were out to get us regardless of the price. Yours very sincerely, oe es Ze C GWrector of Bands Weu Enc. 1