GENERAL + ARC 828 August 1942. GENERAL GUIDE FOR SELECTING STAFF ASSISTANTS AMERICAN RED CROSS CLUBS Women Staff assistants are assigned by the American Red Cross to American Red Cross clubs serving members of the armed forces in leave areas abroad. Staff assistants are on the staffs of and under the supervision of the American Red Cross club directors, and frequently, under the direct supervision of the program director. \ Candidates for positions must be in good physical health as evidenced by a physical examination performed by a physician of good standing with the American Medical Association. They must be citizens of the United States and must be able to furnish a certified copy of a birth certificate or other proof of citizenship. Their records as citizens must be satisfactory to the military authorities as well as to the American Red Cross. Red Cross staff assistants will usually be sent from the United States. : RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES Subject to approval of the proper supervisory official, staff assistants: 1. Provide for the club an atmosphere of youthful hospitality and friendliness. 2. Assist with information services, acquainting the men on leave with services of the club; provide registration facilities; make arrangements for mail, cables, and telegrams to be sent or expected by men on leave; distribute available tickets to sports events, theatres, and movies; keep on prominent display church directories, time tables, sight-seeing schedules, and bulletin boards. 3. Plan musical programs; lead instrumental and singing groups; are responsible for care of juke box, radio, and phonograph. 4. Assist with the conduct of a library service where such service is provided. 5. Plan and conduct parties and dancing. 6. Organize resources for participation in quiet games, including card and table games; semiactive games, including shuffleboard and ping-pong. 7. Organize and direct skits, pantomimes, radio programs, one-act plays, play- reading, and concerts. 8. Assist with craft activities. ? 9. Organize and lead group activities in hobbies, discussion groups, and forums. 10. Organize resources to stimulate restful individual pursuits such as_ reading, writing, talking, lounging, and just sitting, and self-organizing, self-motivating individual hobbies. 11. Assist with outdoor activities, including nature study and sports. 12. Assist in the use of volunteers. \