IX. WHEN ACTIVITY IS GIVEN, EMPHASIS IS PUT UPON: a. eorrecting the defect. Ds compensation of defect with social games. e. providing immediate recreation for the student. qc, some other emphasis (describe) as BASIS FOR GRADING THE HANDICAPPED STUDENT (check those used) a. _ attendance e. __ knowledge of defect b. improved skill (in activities) f. __ social improvement ec. _ improvement of defect g. __achieving standards d. _-inereased muscular strength of skill h. __ attitude toward work x SPECIAL ACTIVITIES REQUIRED OF THE HANDICAPPED STUDENT AL ¢ Bo must read specifie articles explaining his handicap : Be must attend lectures which relate to his handicap ; es must make regular visitations to: 1.__student health service 4. __masseur 2.__private physician | 5. orthopedist ! 3. physical therapist 6. _ osteopathist ai must do special work in health education (name type) XII. CREDIT GIVEN THE HANDICAPPED STUDENT FOR WORK IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION : a, hours given each semester (18 wks.) $€12345 i b. __ hours given each quarter (12 wks.) *i23 45 ¢. _ no credit given d. _ credit given counts toward graduation XTITI. TYPES OF HANDICAPS DEALT WITH IN THE PROGRAM (order of frequency): such as kyphosis, post-operatives, posture, flat feet, poliomyelitis, heart lesions, anemias, visual defectives, low sport Sxiill, exe. Chis Bs Ce ay ‘ e. e g. h. i dss J: K. As 2 XIV. SPECIAL FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT (check those you have available): 4 _balance beams _resting cots _archery equipment . _stall bars _rest room _anatomical charts ] _chest weights _open wall space _shuffleboard equipment ; _dumb bells _mats _volleyball equipment ; _indian clubs “outdoor play area _horseshoe facilities | _traveling rings _special gymnasium fly & pait casting equipment _wands _sun room _badminton facilities . ; _gymnasium plinth _swimming pool _rowing machine ' _medicine ball _gymnasium stools _full length mirrors i _jumping ropes _scales _horizontal bar : _balance boards _bulletin board _horizontal ladder ; _spirometer _nautical wheel _facilities for records ; _handball courts _lawn bowls _projection equipment (slides) — ard otoumbercs como Pynamometer”._.. artes Se “punching b a ant volleyball § _spirometers _billiards _bicycling _golf driving nets. XV. I? WILL BE APPRECIATED IF, ON THE BACK OF THESE TWO PAGES, YOU WILL a. kindly describe any special features of your program which makes it unique to other programs (such features as photographs, specially devised apparatus, system of records, methods of motivation, relationship to the medical profession, use of the individual conference, and the like).