Mire. Hester G. Stoll, Asst. Director of Employment, National —t. fmerican Red Washington, De Ce Dear Mrs. Stoll: Tem wetting you sugerding Ruth they Yalan, Os Kentucky Street, Lawrence, Kensss. Miss Nelson graduated from the University of Kemsas in 1942 with a B. 5. degree in Mucation, with a major in Physical Education. Prom my last knowledge of her, Miss Nelson waa in splendid physical health. She is a young woman baving a very attractive personality. There is no question in my mind as to her loyalty to the United States. In my opinion ee ea” an oe ee end possesses qualities of flexibility. She ee student hore at tho University. : Although she has nover worked for us, tone Get she would rate very highly in ebility, integrity and per~- sonableness. She has taught school but I do not know where. T au sure that she would be eble to fill ome of the positions very acceptably in your orgenization. -