CONSIGNEE COPY SHULTZ TRUCK N° 7296 _ KANSAS CITY, MO. LAWRENCE, KANSAS TOPEKA, KANSAS _ HaArrison 4537 239 ELM STREET PHONE 970 oa : of sz Consigned to: Tmiv of ks. Henry Shenk DateJune <. Rte. and Jct. 2#raeham 127C7 Destination “+s T8&"rence, Yances SHIPPER | SHIPPER’S NUMBER ORIGIN Keneses Oftr, Sth Sante WEIGHT uO Lore * forehely DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES NO. PKGS. « a bs} oe No he Mdse. received in good order ALL FREIGHT BILLS PAYABLE WITHIN 48 HOURS REMIT TO LAWRENCE OFFICE. By