Mareh 10, 1941 Mre Ae O- FAinline Superintendent Belleville Public Schools Belleville, Kansas Dear Superintendent Hainlines I am sorry that my basketball schedule has been so full of trips and games that it has been impossible for me ™ answer your velued letter of February 14 sooner. However, Mire Cecil Munger was in to see me Saturday morning and we hed a splendid talk with hime I was fortunate . in finding Mre Dean Nesmith, our trainer, who was a Belleville boy, and we arranged so that tire Nesmith could contact the different applicants and bring them to the attention of Mre — Munger e- We will see that at least two or three candidates from the University apply for the positione I think we have some outstanding majors in the Department of Physical Education who would be of interest to yous Iwill follow you directions and have the applicants send their credentials fron the — bureau and also write personal letters to yous Thank you for your kind inquirye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Baskebball Coach FeAsig March 3, 1941 Mr, AO, Hainline Superintendent Belleville Pyblie Schools Belleville, Kansas Dear Superintendent Hainline: Your letter of February 14 regarding a coaching vacancy for next yeer has been received, Dr, Alien has been out of town much of late on basketball trips and it has not been ee for him to keep up with his correspondence, However, I am sure you will hear from Dr, Allen very shortly, Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dr. F.C. Allen BOARD OF EDUCATION St BELLEVILLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS [i Member North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools DR. C. A. CRABB LESTER NEAL ; A. O. HAINLINE, Superintendent 0. L. BLEDSOE Paul B. Burke, Prin., Senior High School THE BELLEVILLE SCHOOLS Six-Two-Four Organization Kindergarten Commercial Course College Preparatory Course General Course Smith-Hughes Vocational Agriculture Course Harold J. Johnson, Prin., Junior High School Elinor Wade, Prin., Lower Grades BELLEVILLE, KANSAS February 14, 1941 Mr.. Forrest CC. Alien, Dir. of Phy. Ed. Recreation, & Varsity Basketball Coach Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: I'm answering your letter written to Mr. Theodore Sanborn in regard to a coaching vacancy for next year. Since Mr. Masterson has resigned from his duty as football coach it will be necessary that we employ a coach for football and track for the next school year. I would like very much for you to suggest and have apply two or three candidates from the University. The salary at the present time for this position is $1,440.00 for nine months. You may have the applicants send their credentials from the placement bureau and also write personal letters to. me. We shall appreciate any assistance you may be able to give us in this matter. Sincerely yours, A.O.Hainline, Superintendent AOH:BD f Maroh 10, 1941 Mre Murle HM. Hayden Superintendent Lincoln City Sehools Lincoin, Kansas Dear Supte Hayden; : I have your good letter of Mbruary 28 and am sorry that basketball trips and games have interfered with my answering sooner Bd. Hall does not graduate in Jume so he will not be eligible. I believe that Gordon Gray's cuclifieations will command @ better salary as he is now studying on his Master's Degree and he has had a great deal of experience in coachinge Both Ede Hall and Gordon Gray are outstanding boyse They have a fine personality, are clean in habits and character and I would recommend either one of thene Of course, Pde Hall has had no experience and Gordon Gray has had about four years of experiences I will say nothing about your inquiry either to the Placement _ Bureau or to the boyse Mes. . | , We have some wonderful seniors coming up this year who were Varsity football, basketball, track and baseball mene One of these is Ramie Beims who wes outstanding in football and baseballs another is John Burge, football and baseball, and he, ineidentally, coached the Oread High School Team to a championship in their basketball leagues He did this as part of his practice teaching worke We also have Ralph pugan who has participated in all the ma jor sports and he also was an outstanding pitcher on the Varsity Baseball Team for three yearso We have other outstanding seniors who are Varsity lettermene If you will write me and let me know when this position is apt to open we will be glad to submit you the names of some additional men who we consider very attractive and personable mteriale You can count gn my never recommending a man unless he does get the best from the mterial on hand regardless of the percentage of winse Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation ‘FeAslg Varsity Basketball Coach “ JOEL N, MARTIN, SR. HIGH PRINCIPAL Gove GLAZE, JR. HIGH PRINCIPAL JOHN C, SAUERWEIN, GRADE PRINCIPAL EDW. HAMILTON, DIRECTOR A. A. ANDERSON, CLERK _ DR. T. L. PHILBRICK, TREASURER Lincoln City Schools MURLE M. HAYDEN, SuPERINTENDENT Lincoln, Ransas February 28, 1941 Dr. forrest CO, Alien, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, — Lawrence, Kansas. pear Dr, Alpen: It is very likely that we will need a new coach for all sports next year. We have felt that your numerous contacts with many good young coaches would qualify you to make some excellent nominations for this position. We would appreciate the favor very much if you would list for us the coaches that you feel are qualified and would do us a good job. They would need to be qualified to teach the social sciences. The position would likely pey from $1200 to $1500 depending on the training and experience. Would Hd Hall or Gordon Grey be interested in this position? If so, whet is your opinion of these two boys? For the present we prefer that this information be held in strict confidence. We would rather that mothing be said to the. placement bureau or to the boys. Our Board does not wish to take formal action until after the close of our basketball season, In the meantime they would like to carry on some rather informal investigations of possible candidates. Personally, I would favor boys who have had some successful experience. By this I mean ones who have really been able to get the best from the material on hand regardless of the percentage of wins, With very kind personal regards, I am MMH /el _- Yours very truly, “hp Nese March 20, 1941 Mre Louis Helvern Dear Louis: : | I have learned of the resignation of Coach Charles Socolofsky, the former Aggie athlete, who is to accept the position at ianhattane We have several very excellent physical education majors who are seniors this year and who are desirous of being placed in some good Kansas high schools | : Doubtless you are cognizant of the fact that Kansas State organized their Physical Edueation program (School of Coaching) seven years before we got started, due to the fact that some of our administrators were not sold on this type of organizations therefore, the Agzies have had seven years start in placing their key-men in fine positions. : I thought of writing Walker Means, Ewing Herbert, Jre and Hall Bailey, but since you had shown more of an active interest in athletics than the other men, I have turned to you as head of the Departuent to give me information on the possible successor Is the Board of Education friendly to a University of Kansas graduate? If so, we believe that with our ever increasing efficiency _ among our physical education majors that we are in a position to offer you some excellent applicanise | I am thinking of Ed Hall, fullback in Varsity Football and Guard in Varsity Basketball, but I do not believe he can finish in times however, we have John Burge, end on the football team and a piteher on the baseball teams then we have Steve Meade, a guard on the footbell team who is e brilifiant student and a wonderful teachere Also we have Charles Dalrymple, who is an allearound athlete and a fine teachers . I will appreciate & letter from you et your early convenience Giving me the information we desiree | | With all good wishes, lem, Sincerely yours, 3 Director of Physical Education and Recreation POAsig Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ah ae Marveh 29, 1942 Me le Me Helvern you very much for your letter of SS ee ee ee ee ee in your high school, the ection of the School Board, end other mttera, 5 aes webblite tre Prtek Wy Steime, © wetter of the Seheol Board, todaye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducetion and Recreation Varsity Pasketball and Resebell Coach MA slg March 29, 1941 lire Frank We Sterns Hiawatha, Kansas Dear itr. Sterns: I have just received a letter from Mire le Be Helvern, in response to me letter, giving me information regarding the eoaching vacancy in your high schoole We have a number of very competent people that eee consi deratt cre You will hear from me in the very near future and I trust that some of our epplicants will be given their usual careful considerations Sincerely yours, Director of Physical “ducation and Recreation Varsity Dasketball and Baseball Coach WAsig L. E. HELVERN ATTORNEY AT LAW HIAWATHA, KANSAS ; March 27, 1941 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, see Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Fog: I have your letter of March 20th regarding the placing of a K.U. man in Hiawatha as athletic coach, We have had for the past term Coach Socolofsky who is a former Kansas Aggie man and there will be a vacancy to be filled soon. I have discussed this matter with a couple members of the School Board. Mp. Frank W. Sterns is a former K.U. man graduating in 1915. Walker F. Means is also a K.U. man and both are on the School Board. They give me the impression that they want to get a K.U. man as coach. I inquired something as to the qualifications which they desired the coach to have. Mr. Sterns told me he thought that they would like to have a man who had played basketball and football and who had a letter in at least one of the sports, preferably football. They especially desire someone who played on the K.U basketball team under your eoaching. ; The School Board will hire some thirty-five teachers at their next ne meeting which is on April 7th. Mr. Sterns told me that in all probability they wouldn't employ a coach at that time. He said the reason for this is that they wanted to wait until they hired the teachers so that they could ascertain what particular subject the coach would teach and until they hired the teachers they wouldn't know what subjects would be left open and hence qoulaa’t ecu to hire the coach until that time. I asked him what applicants should do who were wanting to be placed here and he said his suggestion would be that they come up to Hiawatha and meet the Saute of ths Sehool Board and place before them their qualifications and then a little later they would employ the coach, You mention Ed Halil. I know him quite well and in my opinion he would fit in very admirably. But you know these boys better than I do and I suggest you pick two or three who you think might be able to fill the qualifications which I mentioned above and have them make it a point to come to Hiawatha and meet the individual members of the School Board. I have a hunch they will choose one of them if they possibly can, #2 I will be glad to write you further on the subject if there is anything further you would like to know, or if you care to you might write to Mr. Sterns who I am sure would like to place a K.U. man here, Sincerely yours, te eb lee Li. E. Helvern,. o> a, LEH: IB April 17, 1941 Mre Ben Marshall Attorney at Law Lincoln, Kansas Dear Mre Marshall: Thank you very much for your kind letter of April 12 telling us your School Board desires to have applications from University of Kansas Gradwtes for the position of coach in your high schoole Yes, I do renember you very well and aera your writing us about the mattore We will notify some of our fine graduates of this opportunity and I am very sure your school Board will have a number of applications within a short times Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach PCAsig PeSe It was necessary for Dre Allen to leave town on @ baseball trip before this letter was written, Dre Allen has asked that I sign the samo and forward it - Of to yous Secye to Dre Alien COUNTY ATTORNEY LINCOLN COUNTY BEN MARSHALL, JR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW LINCOLN, KANSAS OFFICE PHONE 603 a PHONE 23 Af / ; fo an : pate F i 2 April 12, 1941 Ac ee fate Dt bp oc , 2 f e LiL Mr. F. C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Some of the younger men of this community are very anxious to have some applications from Kansas University graduates for the position of coach in out High School here in Lincoln. I was informed by one of the members of the school board that they had asked for applications from graduates of The University of Kansas and Kensas State; that they had received only one application, and that they were not satisfied with it. We have been overrun with coaches from smaller schools, and we have never had a coach from one of the better institutions. It has been our misfortune to have Kansas Weslyan coaches here from time immemorial, and a good many of us hope that we have had the last. I am not a member of the school board, and I hope that perhaps you have remembered me; if you have it would be unnecessary to tell you that since I graduated from law school only last year. With that explanation I might say that the customary pay here is not great; I think thet they paid around fifteen hundred last year to an experienced man. I would appreciate any efforts you might make in an effort to get us some immediate applications before our shhool board since I think that they plan te hire a coach in the very near future. Thank you for the courtesy requested, and I remain, Sincerely yours,