Maroh 10, 1941 Mre Murle HM. Hayden Superintendent Lincoln City Sehools Lincoin, Kansas Dear Supte Hayden; : I have your good letter of Mbruary 28 and am sorry that basketball trips and games have interfered with my answering sooner Bd. Hall does not graduate in Jume so he will not be eligible. I believe that Gordon Gray's cuclifieations will command @ better salary as he is now studying on his Master's Degree and he has had a great deal of experience in coachinge Both Ede Hall and Gordon Gray are outstanding boyse They have a fine personality, are clean in habits and character and I would recommend either one of thene Of course, Pde Hall has had no experience and Gordon Gray has had about four years of experiences I will say nothing about your inquiry either to the Placement _ Bureau or to the boyse Mes. . | , We have some wonderful seniors coming up this year who were Varsity football, basketball, track and baseball mene One of these is Ramie Beims who wes outstanding in football and baseballs another is John Burge, football and baseball, and he, ineidentally, coached the Oread High School Team to a championship in their basketball leagues He did this as part of his practice teaching worke We also have Ralph pugan who has participated in all the ma jor sports and he also was an outstanding pitcher on the Varsity Baseball Team for three yearso We have other outstanding seniors who are Varsity lettermene If you will write me and let me know when this position is apt to open we will be glad to submit you the names of some additional men who we consider very attractive and personable mteriale You can count gn my never recommending a man unless he does get the best from the mterial on hand regardless of the percentage of winse Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation ‘FeAslg Varsity Basketball Coach