CABLE ADDRESS “ALKALICO-NEW YORK” THE MATHIESON ALKALI WORKS UNC.) MANUFACTURERS OF CHEMICALS PURITE -MAFOS GYPSUM PRODUCTS BLEACHING POWDER AMMONIA ANHYDROUS & AQUA CARBON PIOXIDE-SOLID & LIQUID SODA ASH CAUSTIC SODA LIQUID CHLORINE BICARBONATE OF SODA HT H+ HYPOCHLORITE PRODUCTS REG.U.S. PAT. OFF. EXE CUTIMEORFICES 60 EAST 42N° STREET, NEW YORK SOUTHWESTERN DISTRICT SALES OFFICE ADDRESS REPLY DIRECT TO SECOND NATIONAL BANK BUILDING HOUSTON 9 TEXAS September 12, 1958 Dr. F. C. Allen, University of Kansas, Department of Physical Education, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Our’ representative, Mr. Watt McCain, called at your office a few days ago, but found you away. He asked that we express his regrets that he missed seeing you. We have hed‘ the pleasure of supplying your requirements of Liquid Chlorine in the past, however, we have not received an order for some time. For your records, we would like to advise that we carry a stock of 105# and 150# cylinders in Kansas City, Missouri, with the Crooks Terminal Warehouse Company located at 1104 Union Avenue, and we can assure you they give all orders their prompt attention. The price of Chlorine out of Kansas City, Missouri stock is 8g¢ per pound fob Lawrence, Kansas, with cylinder deposits and rentals waived. Terms are 1% discount for payment in ten days, net thirty days. Empty cylinders are all returned to us at Niagara Fells, New York, via rail freight collect. Thenking you for past favors and courtesies, we remain Yours very truly, THE MATHIESON ALKALI WORKS (INC.) MN ot Mia W. Scott Hammond Southwestern “istrict Seles Manager WSH/ADA