Me ALO yard runners Was from 118.13 minutes to 44.37 minutes. The results are based on twenty-six tests of basketball players and seven 4UO men. These tests in no Way indicate whether basketball is too strenuous a game or not. They do, however, show that on the average it takes half again as long to recover after running a 440 as it does after playing a basketball game. It follows then, that the 4WWO is a more intense activity than a basketball game. The 4uio is, of course, @ continuous activity and because of its high intensity causes an oxygen debt to build up rapidly. A basketball game, on the other hand, is of varying intensity and has been found to have from 100 to 130 interruptions’. It would seem logical to conclude, therefore, from the foregoing, that if our present game of basketball is too strenuous then certainly there is even more reason to question the wisdom of permitting boys to run a 40, Certainly more conclusive evidence is necessary before either activity may be condemned. pean, Everett, Baseball Coach, University of Indiana.