-community to make known Phe fact that there were plenty of rooms available at a reasonable cost, that the University will cortinue to operate and tocoffer as 4 great a variety of wartime training as any educational institution in the Midweste The effective working of such an ar rendeneit 5 has done its part in giving the Unive ersity a record of keeping the enrollment up fer better than other similar education= al institutions. The work of the alumni in helping explain the University program to the legis= lature was more importan’ this year than usuel because of the need for explaining misunderstandings of corditions and f-rture cevelopments to the legislators. On the whole , the 1943 legislature? was morb fair and gencrous to the University. It whould be sided that the legislators’ confidence in the integrity of the University's Chancellor in this time of confusion was & strong factor in the support given not only to the University but other state schools as well. Aiso the clear vision and enthusiastic devotion of Senator Robert Co. Runkin, former student '87, of Douglas County, had a splendid effect. oe om ee 6 om me es om oe we we ee CHEERING THOSE IN SERVICE During the past year and so long «es the war continues, the tremendous job of keeping in touch with K.U. men and women in the armed services has been and will be & major project of the Alumi Association. Letters of greetings go individually to Jayhawkers in every nook and corner of the worlde The Graduate Magazine is being sent to every boy, who asks for it, whether he is a subscriber or not if it can be gotten to him. Clippings from it go far and widee A great special file of service records of alumni is being collected, Some 2400 names arc now on the file but_it is estimeted that more than 5,090. persons are in the services The job of tut ohare casera getting a record of all these remains with us. Thus the work cf the Alumni Association continues on through the darkness of the ware It is apparent that the organization is as greatly needed nowto radiate the opportunity. of the University through service and organization acti- vities as ever befores Fred Ellsworth Becretary