« + All of the suggested changes met with the approval of the spectators with the exception of the 12 ft. baskets. The moving of the basket in from the end line 6 ft. instead of 2 ft, received the most favorable yote. Visiting coaches, officials and newspaper men were al- most unanimous in their approval of the moving of goals in 6 ft. The rules as used in the clinic games might not have the same effect on high school basket ball as on the college game. In a great number of high schools the ceilings would be too low to permit the raising of the baskets and the average high school court is so short that moving the baskets in would shorten the court too much. It would be quite an expense to change the courts all over the country and this item would have to be taken into account in the case of the high schools. One other change in rules used in these games was that of allowing 15 minutes for intermission instead of ten. This provides more time for the players to rest between halves. . | Although the effect of the new rules on the whole seemed t@ be slight, the position of the basket nearer the center of the floor had a tendency to speed up play. The defensive team with less territory to guard was able to force the offensive team to pass the ball. oe ; fhe reaction on the 12 ft. baskets was that there are too few tall players in the country to make a change that would handicap all of the players. It was the opinion of some of the spectators that the bringing of the ball to the circles for held and jump balis slowed up the game, but the greater number favored the change. Also, attached are the findings of the eight home conference championship gamem played by Kansas. By rather a queer arrangement of our conference schedule, two home games each were played with Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas State while Nebraska and Iowa State were met but once. ' One special project for study was to find the number of held or jump balls that occurred in a regu- lation game. By comparing the number of center jumps with the tie ball or held ball jumps it was hoped that some added in- formation might be obtained which would aid the committee in a more comprehensive determination of the center jump problem. It is a prima facie fact that the more even jumping ratio is obtained at center where the coach places his best jumper. On held balls over the court it is thinkable