W Pee eH PRP whe pen Gi" | BASKETBALL COACHES OF THE UNITED STATES Ne ee Se Ne ee tee ane neh Se me ee ARTICLE I NAME AND AFFILIATION the re of this organization shall be THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION CP B. SoEVBOLL COACMES OF THE UNITED STATES. Said Association is a rece oO nized and approved affiliete of the National Collegiate Athletic. Association. ARTICLE. II OBJECTS AND PURPOSES The objects and purposes of this Association shall be: le To foster and encourage the playing of the game of baskct- ball in accordance with the finest traditions of intercpllcgiate athletic competition: : ) 2. To require adherence at all times to the highest standards of sportsmanship; : 3. To maintain at all times a membership group which shall be representative of the various sections of the United States and, as such, conducive to the establishment oi friendly contacts and good understanding octweon coaches of the different sections; 4. To promotc constructive discussion and the dissemination of information relative to the game of basketball or its goneral welfare, or such aspects or phases thereof as may be of gencral interest; and, in sitions 5. To further at all times the best intorosts and well=bcing of the game of basketball, and to maintain it in its proper sine in the scheme of cducation.