- 2 = “sity General Scholarship Committee. The honored student then receives also another $50 from the central loan award fund, making o total of a $100 scholarshipe Practically this same plan has been highly successful in other great state universities, providing a never-ending goal for alumni, of great appeal to them i through the yearse Our eantral fund of the Freshman Loan Award pdan now has $828.53. We are adding to this montly. Three freshman students have been aided so far, and doubtless the number will grow each yeare | The Men Student’s Employment Bureau, which was ddéveloped in the alumni office from 1932 to 1942 from $7000 a year earnings by boys placed through its services to a $31,500 annual project, was taken from the alumni office last summer because of the manpower probleme The former office secretary, Marvin Goebel, was taken into the Army where he is now an instructor in aerial gunnery. The Bureau was trans- ferred to the directorship of Harry OtKane, YMCA. secretary, who handles it next door to the alumni cffice. The alumi office continues to assist both men and women students in every kind of personal problem, working at a11 times with university officials designated to handle the various problems coming oute SENT OUT 500 K.U. CALENDARS The alumni headquarters assisted again in the promotion of University calendars, published by the Men's Student Council. In fact, the Association purchased five hundred copies of the calender this year and distributed them among the alumni who seem to get a grent staisfaction in their possessiom COUNTY CLUBS CONTINUE ACTIVITIES . The alumni headquarters also sponsored again the Student State-wide Activities Commission, which promoted the writing of news by students to their home town ' papers, the sending out of letters to high school seniors, and the sending out over the state of two striking. display boards whowing the University activities in war- times These are now out in,the state on display in high schools and in down town storese A new and most effective activity of the Activities Commission this year was suggested by Dean Pe Be Lawson and carries on through the sponsorship of the _ alumni officee A series of more than thirty social gatherings of groups of students coming from the same counttes washhéedd in the homes of faculty memberse These were _ greatly enjoyed by the students as well as the faculty members and did much to cement a feeling of unity which is sometimes hard to develop in a large university. SOS CM ats AY wR GRE Ge Oke GaP a GER a ast ge : JAYHAWKER TRUSTEES The system of official alumni representatives in all communities of the state, which was inaugurated back in 1934, was carried on this year with special effectivee nesse One of the problems ef the University this pest year has been to dispel misunderstanding among ppople over the state regarding opportunities available. Last fall the notion was abroad that there would be no place for students to stay in. Lawrence and that available rooms would be entirely too costly for any ordinary student to paye Later the notion developed thet the University would not continue to operate except. for. soldiers ans sailors. Through the local representatives, called Jayhawker Trustees, it has beon possible to disseminate Jone into every gs AP wt em ee ee we He oe