I have included in this paper some of the material used todaye The music for the Swedish Schottische was arranged by Mr. Axel Wexel of Duluth and Miss Myrtle Larson of Duluth, so there is no question of copyright. Miss Marigold Mattson, third grade teacher, planned the Fox Trot routine. The demonstration which you have witnessed this afternoon represents the culmination of the program described in the preceeding pagese We hope the children have shown you the outcomes of our Social Dancing Program. These boys and girls were selected by their classmates = not for their dancing ability, but rather for their outstanding traits of characters The selection followed after much discussion on the attributes of a good citizene The test of our program today is not — are the children good dancers, but — how do they react in a groupe They have net only twice as a groupe We believe that our objectives have been realized in the following outcomes: 1. The boys and girls are at ease in a group 2e They use good manners 3e The boys and girls enjoy each other's company ~ Florence Owens