The first step in this investigation involved the construction of a check list of seventy activities, relative to the administrative and teaching duties of physical educa- tion teachers. This check list was sent to two hundred fifty high school men physical education teachers. They were asked to check: Le The activities snecuting to the amount of tine they spent (none, little, considerable, great amount) in performing their duties as physical education tea- chers. 2. The activities according to their importance (none, little, considerable, great) in professional training. 3, The activities in which they had received their college training. A total of one hunarea questionnaires was returned | and master sheets were developed to compile the data. These totals were expressed in terms of percentages of those re- porting as to (1) time spent an the activity, (2) importance of professional training in the activity, and (3) those having college training in the activities. Tables were then constructéd to indicate the following: 1, Time spent in performing administrative duties. 2. Opinion as to importance of professional training in the activities.