CENTRAL DISTRICT PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION Maren SO, Gly April i, € 1938 VISITATION « Wednesday, March 30, 1938 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS = Boys and Girls 9:00 a.m. Seward School —_ Whittier School 12:00 a.m. Willard School JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS - Beys and Girls 9300 a.m. Jefferson Jr. High School to Phillips Jr. High School 12:00 a.m. Marshall Jr. High School Bryant Jr. High School (Swimming) SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS Girls Boys 10:30 to Edison Individual 10:30 a.m. Fundamental Athletic 12:30 poem. Sports Skills 11:30 asm. North The Modern 11:30 asm. Apparatus j Dance 8:30 aem. Roosevelt-Fundamental 9:30 aem. Tests and Measurements 10:30 PeMe - Rhythm 10:30 QeMe " " " COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITY (A) 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. = University of Minnesota - Men's Athletic , Dept. Visits to New Ments Athletic Building, Field House, and Stadium, (B) 8:30 a.m, to 3:30 peme = University of Minnesote » Women's Gymnasium - (except 12:30 - 1:30) Physical Education for Women. 9:00 am. to Dowling School for Crippled Children 1:00 peme Transportation will be furnished to delegates upon presentation of convention badge or membership card,