“Ovi A¥1OW OF SELF-TESTING ACTIVITIES James R. Shepherd Director of Physical Ed. West Junior High School Kansas City, Missouri TU) BLING GROUPS (arranged according to difficulty) Stunt Percent Diff from OT Value Difficulty Value Min percent from MM when O is 3 0 Group I 1. Forward Roll 99 - 49 - 2.99 267 «2. Tip Up 96 - 46 - 1675 1.25 *3. Inverted Squat Stand 94 - 44 - 1.56 1.44 #4, Head Stand (Supported) 89 ~ 39 *» 1928 1.77 *5. Mule Kick 88 - 33 - 1.218 1.82 Group Il 6. Backward Roll (Standing) SE - 36 - 1.08 1.92 7, Backward Roll (Sitting) 85 « 35 - 1.04 1-96 8. Dive 82 - 32 = 92 2608 *9, Elbow Stand (Supported) 82 &é 32 » 492 2408 *10. Forearm Balance (Supported) 79 - 29 » 481 2419 Group I1l li. Headstand 78 = 28 = «77 2020 12. Handstand (Supported) 73 - 235 - 61 2009 13. Elbow Stand 62 - 12 = .09- 269 14, Head Spring (Rolled Mat) 65 - 15 « «Sl 2.61 15. Cart Wheel 58 - 3 - 08 2092 Group IV 16, Forward Round Off 43 7 018 3.18 17. Forearm Balance 42 18 ofl eel 18. Front Over 41 9 020 Be2d 19. Back Bend (Recover) 39 11 «28 3928 20. H ANd Spring 58 12 «51 Sedl Group V 21. Snap-Up 30 20 052 5002 *22, Forward Roll and Snap-Up 29 ra 090 3955 *23, Backward Roll to Head Stand 27 a e61 5061 24, Hand Spring (One Hand) 24 26 s7i 3671 25. Hand Walk ae 29 281 3281 Group VI 3 26. Snap-Up from Head Stand 21 29 081 5e81 27, Forward Somersault (With Run) 20 30 284 3484 «28, Backward Roll to H and Stand 20 30 284 584 29. Back Over 15 37 1.15 4.15 *30. Chest Roll 10 40 1.28 4.28 Group VII 31. Forward Somersault (Rolled Mat) 10 40 1628 4.428 32. Forward Somersault 209 41 1.54 4.54 33, Back Somersault (Rolled Mat) 05 45 1945 4.65 34, Back Somersault 204 46 1.75 4,75 25, Back Hand Spring 04 46 1.75 4,75 Group VIII _ (Borrowed entirely from licClow and assumed to be more difficult than preceding stunts. 36. Gainer (With Run) 27, Forward Somersault with b/2 twist 38, Backwards Somersault with 1/2 twist 39. Baroni 40. Back Hand Spring (With Layout ) * Stunts studied only one year.