October 17, 1953 Mr. John %. Bum, Dean of Men, Stanford University, Palo Alto, Californias Dear Johnnie: I see thet you have kicked up some sleeping dogse But I lmow that whatever you undertake you ere sincere in your en= deavor, and I want you to lmow that I wish you the best of Doubtless there was plenty there to cause you to mike the stand that you did. These young people seem to never step unless some more mature hand calls a halte Doubtless the papers have exggerated the matter, but if they have not I'll bet thet you will stay in there and pitehe I told our family that when-you made this rule you doubtless : had the backing of a more durable people, and after all, that is what counts. — “With all good wishes, I an Very sincerely YOUTH, |