2, iten shooting best in practice both in field goalg and free throws, all other factors being equal, snould be séleeted as starters in the gimes, I reeommend keeping records of the - men during practice sessions. This ean be done very economically and efficiently if a good system is set up. The records of tne men should be posted so thst they may see their progress, if. -: records are kept, they offer a neays of seleeting men on 2n object- ive rather than on a subjective basis. , 3, In setting up offensive 2nd defensive methods of play, the following points should be kept in minds | a. The defense stould cover areas II and V, as the study shows that over three-fourths of the shots are taken from these areas, len should be taucht not to be drawn out to cover the other areas too closely. Se b. From the offensive point of view, fewer shots shoud be taken from areas I, III, IV, and VI. The percentage in shooting from these areas is very low, The offense should be set up to draw the defense out of areas II and V 60 that good shots may be obtained, e, In seheduling ganes where it is necessary to play two games on successive evenings, the harder of the two sames should be booked for the second night, The first night's play seems to aet as a sort of warm up period for the second performance.